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Not this one!

“Amazon Is Investing in AI-Assisted Apartheid in Palestine”

by Ahmed Ibsais in

“Since 2014, Amazon has been pouring billions into Israel, contributing to illegal settlement programs and the relentless surveillance of Palestinians. Israel’s dystopian end goal: to compile biometric profiles and security ratings for every resident of the West Bank.”

jacobin.comAmazon Is Investing in AI-Assisted Apartheid in PalestineSince 2014, Amazon has been pouring billions into Israel, contributing to illegal settlement programs and the relentless surveillance of Palestinians. Israel’s dystopian end goal: to compile biometric profiles and security ratings for every resident of the West Bank.

⚠️ Stumbling block when migrating from Amazon Linux 2 to Amazon Linux 2023:

/tmp is no longer mawscommunitye root volume but on tmpfs. As tmpfs stores files in memory, the maximum size of /tmp is determined by the EC2 instance type’s memory capacity.

Either avoid storing large files under /tmp or disable tmpfs for /mnt by using the following commands:

sudo systemctl mask tmp.mount
sudo systemctl stop tmp.mount