Llamamiento a gente que sabe programar y desarrollar aplicaciones libres para f-droid.
Esta aplicación es muy muy útil , con la camara del móvil saca fotos de documentos que parecen fotocopias. pero la persona que lo ha desarrollado, ha anunciado que lo archiva definitivamente y no va a actualizar más. Por favor un fork.
This is a call for people who can program and develop free applications for f-droid. This application is very useful. You can scan documents with the camera and it looks like a photocopy. But the person developed it announced back in February that they are giving it up definitely. That they accepted some pull requests on the project but would archive it without a new release because they really do not have time to put on it.
The way now is to step forward and make a fork
#llamamiento #programar #desarrollar #programadoras #desarrolladoras #aplicaciones #libres #aplicacioneslibres #apps #appsLibres #f-droid #fdroid #developers #freeSoftware #FreeApps
#fotosdocumentosfotocopias #GitHub #scanner #OpenNoteScanner #fork #softwareLibre