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[#veille] L’Algérie française, une histoire de plus en plus difficile à aborder “à l’heure de la tentation réactionnaire”. Entretien avec Sylvie Thénault.
#Algérie #guerredAlgérie #archives #histoire #colonisation #colonialisme #histodons @archivistodon

"Par rapport aux nombreux acquis de la recherche, les polémiques actuelles sont donc étonnantes, pour ce qu’elles montrent du retard du débat public"

Télérama · L’Algérie française, une histoire de plus en plus difficile à aborder “à l’heure de la tentation réactionna...Par Valérie Lehoux

'Rise of the south: How Arab-led maritime trade transformed China, 671–1371 CE' by Zhiwu Chen, Zhan Lin & Kaixiang Peng argues that Arab & Persian Muslim traders account for an all-important southward shift in China's economy, Lead paper in v65 of the Asia-Pacific Economic Hist Review! OA
@economics @demography @socialscience @sociology @politicalscience @geography @anthropology @econhist @devecon @archaeodons @sts @inequalityecon @SocArXivBot #history #histodons #China

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@sbourne Harriet Tubman was the 1st woman to pop in my mind. Her legacy and inspiration are strong. She was absolutely a warrior force to be reckoned with, but she did not lead a country or even an entire rebellion force and her Emancipation impact only effected 70 people from one state. That is a noble feat and I am not belittling it, but I feel like she does not quite meet the Warrior Queen definition put forth by the author. #histodons

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Update: I've dug a little more. It seems the Canadian Research Knowledge Network was acting on a request from the Mississauga Public Library when it removed the newspapers. Torstar will no longer allow the Library to make the papers available to the public via a third party source. This is a drag, because, while it's far from perfect, CRKN has better infrastructure and interface than the Library's site, all, I imagine, for less money. 7/

Rev. Jesse Jackson, hand in hand with fellow Black leaders, crossed Selma’s Edmund Pettus Bridge on March 9, marking 60 years since “Bloody Sunday.”

His has been a momentous journey through the history of Black Americans and their struggle for equality and inclusion #CivilRights
@histodons #Histodons @blackmastodon #BlackMastodon

#OnThisDay, 13 Mar 1990, Ertha Pascal-Trouillot became the provisional president of Haiti. She was the first woman to hold the role.

She stabilised the country for long enough for it to hold a free and fair election.

“I accepted the position in the name of Haitian women. I did it as a service to my country. I did it with love and determination.”

Suite du fil

After corresponding with staff at the Mississauga Public Library, I'm hopeful they'll be able to make these newspapers available in some way, shape, or form on their website (worth checking out below for the historical images). We'll see.

Anyways, this really underlines the fragility of the subscription model for access. At least microfilm, once paid for, would remain accessible to anyone who could get in front of a reader. 6/

City of MississaugaMississauga Historic images galleryThe Historic images gallery with centralized access and online searchable database, enables us to bring together the image collections of multiple institutions.
Suite du fil

My students and I will be fine. We are at a major research institution that will fork over whatever Torstar asks. And Torstar will use the additional 6 papers in its database to squeeze more from us and other universities. This rankles me. The papers were full-text searchable and available to everyone for years. The Mississauga Library and a federal grant paid for the digitization. And, seriously, virtually no one who isn't in Mississauga cares about its decades-old papers. 5/

Suite du fil

Back issues of defunct local newspapers are a key primary source we draw on. Today I learned that Torstar - the conglomerate that now holds copyright to virtually all of the Mississauga papers that have been digitized - recently ordered the Canadian Research Knowledge Network, a nonprofit dedicated to the dissemination of historical print sources, to remove the entire run of 6 papers published across most of the 20th century so that it can place them behind a paywall. 4/

Suite du fil

While we rely on the often excellent work of local historians, the aims of the course are necessarily more academic. So we end up doing much of the research needed to understand this history ourselves, in class and in assignments. This is great, it lets us pop the hood on historical research and gives first-year students an opportunity to poke around that they wouldn't otherwise have. But, for this to work, we rely on accessible evidence, especially digitized sources. 3/

Suite du fil

In recent years, there's been a move to digitize and making freely available online whatever people can get there hands on. Some of this is legally dubious, but most is totally legit.

For the past few years, I've taught a course on the history of #PeelRegion - #Mississauga, #Brampton & #Caledon, a mainly urban area that, if it were one city, would be the third largest in #Canada, just behind Montreal. There exists a minuscule body of academic histories of the region.


Over the past several decades, as mainstream media has struggled to make ends meet, a small number of conglomerates have bought up many independent newspapers. Sometimes they shut them down, sometimes they continue to publish but generally with vastly reduced local coverage. Anyone who's been paying attention knows this.

What you may not know is that these conglomerates also acquire copyright to the papers they buy, even when they shut them down. 1/

Like caffeine, alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine, history alters perception.

The world looks markedly different to those who are informed about the past and attuned to historical inquiry.

This is why governments seek to control history.

This is why MAGA strives to control its production and distribution.

#history #histodons

Republicans have targeted universities over pro-Palestinian demonstrations that occurred on college campuses.
The New York Times · Trump Signs Executive Order to Promote ‘Patriotic Education’ in SchoolsPar Zach Montague