Swiss-British author Diccon Bewes dead at 57 #Article #BeatLife&Aging #culture #LatestNews #Lifestyle #society #Swissmade #Switzerland
Swiss-British author Diccon Bewes dead at 57 #Article #BeatLife&Aging #culture #LatestNews #Lifestyle #society #Swissmade #Switzerland
Indonesia’s cocoa farmers work with businesses to fight the bitter impact of climate change #Agriculture #ArminHari #ASIA #AsiaPacific #AssociatedPress #business #Climate #ClimateAndEnvironment #ClimateChange #FutureOfFood #GeneralNews #GlobalWarming #Indonesia #IndonesiaGovernment #Lifestyle #NationalResearchCorp. #RajendraAryal #SabrinaMustopo #TariSantoso #WorldNews
Nearly one in two bicycles sold in Switzerland is an e-bike #Article #BeatLife&Aging #business #environment #Health #LatestNews #Lifestyle #Switzerland «Η Ελλάδα ψηφίζει»: «Ο Εμμανουήλ Καραλής πηδάει πουθενά απόψε;» – Γέλια με την… απορία του Χρήστου Κούτρα #greece #lifestyle #Ελλάδα #ΕμμανουήλΚαραλής #νεα #ΣΚΑΪ #ΧρήστοςΚούτρας
Side hustle-turned-business brings in millions #business #Lifestyle Swiss-British author Diccon Bewes dead at 57 #article #BeatLife&Aging #Culture #LatestNews #lifestyle #Nachrichten #Nouvelles #schweiz #society #Suisse #Swissmade #switzerland Nearly one in two bicycles sold in Switzerland is an e-bike #article #BeatLife&Aging #business #Environment #health #LatestNews #lifestyle #Nachrichten #Nouvelles #schweiz #Suisse #switzerland
Nearly one in two bicycles sold in Switzerland is an e-bike #Article #BeatLife&Aging #business #environment #Health #LatestNews #Lifestyle #Switzerland From Czech Republic To USA: Check Top 5 Countries With Most Bald Men #AndrogeneticAlopecia #Baldness #BaldnessStatistics #BaldnessTreatment #beauty #CausesOfBaldness #Česko #CzechRepublic #czechia #hair #HairLoss #HairTransplants #lifestyle #MalePatternBaldness #zprávy
From Czech Republic To USA: Check Top 5 Countries With Most Bald Men #AndrogeneticAlopecia #Baldness #BaldnessStatistics #BaldnessTreatment #Beauty #CausesOfBaldness #CzechRepublic #Czechia #hair #HairLoss #HairTransplants #Lifestyle #MalePatternBaldness
Swiss-British author Diccon Bewes dead at 57 #Article #BeatLife&Aging #culture #LatestNews #Lifestyle #society #Swissmade #Switzerland
Nearly one in two bicycles sold in Switzerland is an e-bike #Article #BeatLife&Aging #business #environment #Health #LatestNews #Lifestyle #Switzerland
6,000 homes were destroyed in Altadena, L.A. County, by the recent wildfires. In many cases, all that remains standing is the chimney and fireplace — often covered in tiles designed by artist Ernest Batchelder. @Dwell writes about a grassroots movement to salvage some of those tiles — and the history of the storied neighborhood. "Whether you’re grieving a person or, in this case, a house filled with memories, it helps to have something that you can physically hang on to," says Brenda Davidge. "Having the tile helps us with moving forward because while we know the house and everything that was in it is gone, the tiles are a physical reminder that the fire didn’t take everything, that these things have lasted a hundred-plus years and made it through that crazy fire so they can keep going beyond that too."
Today, Hindus around the world celebrate Holi, the festival of colors, and nowhere is it more raucous than in India. Kids and grownups filled their water balloons and water guns yesterday, and have packets of colored powder ready to ambush friends, neighbors and strangers. "If you're spotlessly clean, you're a target," write Mithil Aggarwal and Max Butterworth for NBC. Here's their story about the meaning of the festival and how it is celebrated — complete with some absolutely stunning photography.
Croatia’s Economy: Inflation Rising, GDP Growth Slowing, Says Central Bank #Advice #Croatia #CroatiaNews #culture #dubrovnik #DubrovnikTravel #DubrovnikWeather #information #interview #Lifestyle #News #Opinion #tips #Travel I spent the night in a -4°C snow hotel — here’s what nobody tells you #ArcticCircle #HotelReviews #lifestyle #Noreg #Norge #norway #nyheter #snow #travel #TravelReviews US wine shops and importers say Trump’s threatened 200% tariff on European wines would kill demand #AlcoholicBeverageIndustry #business #China #ChinaGovernment #DonaldTrump #EricTrump #EttorePrandini #europe #EuropeanUnion #GabrielPicard #GlobalTrade #InternationalTrade #JacquesBarreau #JeffZacharia #lifestyle #MarkOCallaghan #NJStateWire #NYStateWire #Politics #RonnieSanders #trump #UnitedStatesGovernment John Lennon gets honored on UK coin collection in what would have been his 85th year #119776955 #article #business #celebrity #Entertainment #GeneralNews #GreatBritain #lifestyle #UnitedKingdom #WorldNews
Early Turkey Hunt Opportunity for Youth and Mobility-Impaired Hunter | Lifestyle #Briefs #Lifestyle #Turkey
Croatian Real Estate Law Changes: OECD Buyers to Gain Equal Rights, Sparking Debate #Advice #Croatia #CroatiaNews #culture #dubrovnik #DubrovnikTravel #DubrovnikWeather #information #interview #Lifestyle #News #Opinion #tips #Travel