#roundup #herbicide #environnement #agriculture #glyphosate
« Homologation d’un herbicide. La Cour fédérale ordonne à Ottawa de refaire ses devoirs. »
#roundup #herbicide #environnement #agriculture #glyphosate
« Homologation d’un herbicide. La Cour fédérale ordonne à Ottawa de refaire ses devoirs. »
Report examining connection between the herbicide Paraquat and Parkinsons disease will be teleased by the Environmental Protection Agency tomorrow.
Agent Orange use in Laos - Conflict and Environment Observatory #AgentOrange #VietnamWar #UncleSam #OperationRanchHand #herbicide https://ceobs.org/new-data-on-agent-orange-use-during-the-uss-secret-war-in-laos/
Differentiating Cheatgrass And Medusahead Phenological Characteristics In Western United States Rangelands [remote sensing]
https://doi.org/10.3390/rs16224258 <-- shared paper
#GIS #spatial #mapping #vegetation #grassland #cheatgrass #medusahead #BRTE #TACA8 #phenology #growingseason #rangeland #EAG #invasivespecies #management #landmanagers #habitat #cost #loss #economicimpact #ecosystem #deterioration #impacts #USWest #spatialanalysis #spatiotemporal #model #modeling #treemodel #landsat #sentinel #HLS #satellite #remotesensing #vegetationindex #NDVI #research #testcase #corrleation #metrics #controlmeasures #herbicide #cattle #grazing #mitigation #landcover #NLDI
*We have a similar longtime movement in #BritishColumbia for same government approved aerial herbicide toxic spraying issue #StopTheSprayBC *
#FirstNations and #environmentalists have denounced the practice of aerial #herbicide spraying on #forestlands for decades. This year, #Indigenous groups in Northern #Ontario have announced a ban on blanket herbicide use, while in #NovaScotia, residents have resorted to peaceful #DirectAction to enforce their own ban.
The #ForestIndustry routinely dumps tons of chemicals like #glyphosate, the main ingredient in #Roundup weedkiller, on logged areas to kill off naturally-regenerated trees and shrubs in favour of commercial #TreeFarms. The problem is, these herbicides are #lethal to frogs, lizards, and salamanders. They wipe out #MedicinalPlants and berry bushes that Indigenous people and #wildlife rely on. Glyphosate, a suspected #carcinogen, #contaminates #rivers and #groundwater far and wide through indiscriminate spraying.
Guilty as charged.
But you know what I’m not guilty of?
I’m not guilty of spraying the #poison #glyphosate on to any part of this #planet and into the bodies of practically every living creature.
How about you?
Basic bee facts every day at 3pm.
# 321
A recent Finnish study which exposed #bumblebees to field realistic doses of the #glyphosate based #herbicide Roundup found that the bumblebees' fine-color discrimination & long-term memory were significantly impaired.
Bayer has replaced glyphosate with a combination of four chemicals—fluazifop-P-butyl, triclopyr, diquat dibromide, and imazapic—the latter two of which are banned in the European Union.
Source: https://foe.org/news/new-roundup-weedkiller-45-times-more-toxic/
This area was all stiltgrass earlier this year. 0.5% gly was sprayed in late June prior to any seeding out but waiting until plants were mature and dense. This is a very low percentage that works great on stiltgrass but does not affect perminatly very many other types of plants. Now we have hawkweed and lyreleaf sage shoots (natives).
This is part of the reality of taking care of the spaces we have control over. There are many such patches here and hand weeding them all would be practically insurmountable task. Proper use and application does very little collateral damage and instead allowed native species to get a foothold while preventing the spread of an invasive.
And remember: stiltgrass is here because it was used as packaging. Plastic bubble wrap and styrofoam beans cause ecological issues for sure, but lets not pretend that “natural” or “organic” packaging is inherently better. Its more complex than buzzwords.
L'exportation par la de pesticides interdits en #Europe est interdit depuis 2022. Mais la commercialisation des substances actives pures ne l'est pas : en 2023, la
a approuvé l’exportation de 7294 tonnes de pesticides interdits. Les fruits reviennent au final sur les étales
(en + de polluer les pays producteurs).
L'#herbicide #oxadiargyl commercialisé par #Bayer et interdit depuis 10ans en a ainsi été envoyé depuis la
vers le #CostaRica en 2021.
2/3 des #ananas vendus dans le monde proviennent de ce pays et il est le 4e exportateur mondial de
Sources: #IrpiMedia, ONG @publiceyesuisse #Unearthed, @disclose_ngo
Australian food is grown with dangerous chemicals banned in other countries
"Australia has a global reputation as a source of clean food. In fact, the country has some of the most lax regulation of pesticide use in the western world."
The dirty dozen: 12 pesticides that are banned elsewhere but still used in Australia
List of toxins>>
Paraquat and Parkinson’s disease in agricultural producers
"The regulator (is) lagging behind. A 2023 report commissioned by the federal government found “serious allegations of chemical industry capture of the APVMA” and that it took far too long to finalise reviews of dangerous chemicals, including paraquat."
#food #safety #consumers #Paraquat #pesticides #herbicide #chemicals #agrochemicals #harm #farmers #BigAg #OHS #Syngenta #litigation #neurotoxicity #Parkinsons #APVMA #toxins #regulation #governance #Australia #lagging #water #wildlife #PublicHealth
herbicide danger: Dacthal / DCPA / chlorthal-dimethyl / Deramot Xtra / Chlor-Back 75WG
"The US Environmental Protection Agency found a risk of thyroid hormone changes in the unborn children of pregnant bystanders, women who apply chlorthal-dimethyl, or those who enter treated fields after the substance has been applied."
But in a March letter to #AMVAC, #EPA ofcls wrote that this voluntary step was not sufficient to protect #farmworkers & others exposed to the #herbicide. The ofcls wrote that changes to #thyroid hormone levels in the #fetuses of #pregnant rats exposed to #DCPA suggested “serious #risks of concern in #humans.” …The #EmergencyAction order Tues suspends all registrations of the #pesticide….
#EPA takes #emergency action to stop use of #dangerous pesticide
For the 1st time in 40 yrs, the #Environmental Protection Agency has taken emergency action to stop the use of a #pesticide linked to serious #HealthRisks for unborn #babies.
Tues’s #EmergencyOrder applies to… #DCPA aka #Dacthal, an #herbicide used on #crops such as #broccoli, #BrusselsSprouts, #cabbage & #onions.
#Health #PublicHealth #climate #Pregnant #farmworkers #farmers #agriculture
Major class action thrown out as Federal Court finds insufficient evidence to prove weedkiller #Roundup causes cancer.
Robotic weed systems have the potential to reduce #herbicide use in #farming.
Le glyphosate réduit la #biodiversité du #sol et diminue la proportion d’espèces natives
On parle beaucoup des effets du glyphosate sur la santé, mais son impact sur les écosystèmes et la biodiversité reste peu étudié. Pourtant ceux-ci peuvent être préoccupants : https://theconversation.com/le-glyphosate-reduit-la-biodiversite-du-sol-et-diminue-la-proportion-despeces-natives-226580
Ukraine reports increase in Russian chemical weapon weapon attacks on battlefield
Ukraine recorded 715 cases of Russian chemical weapons use on the battlefield in May, 271 chemical attacks more than previous month
Ukraine have previously accused Russia of using #chloropicrin & other chemical weapons
Chloropicrin is often used as an #herbicide
So, I'm thinking that an alternative to #herbicide would be horticultural strength #vinegar mixed with yucca extract (or perhaps aloe vera) to help it to stick. I will be experimenting with this method over the summer and will post the results!
"Alternative herbicides fall into 7 product categories: Natural acids (vinegar + citric acids), Herbicidal soaps, Iron-based herbicides, Salt-based herbicides, phytotoxic oils (clove, peppermint, pine, citronella), corn gluten, and combination products (including ingredients from multiple categories). This fact sheet concentrates specifically on acetic acid (vinegar) products."
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