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L'OCTOMBULE — Le Zsqhinx, pas évident à prononcer, et pourtant le thème du numéro semble simple "L'enfance de l'Art". Le visuel à la Escher indique bien que l'imagination, l'intuition sont des ingrédients important du geste artistique le plus évident. Cela aurait ou être le numéro Sphinx posant à l'homme son énigme.

A2 — recto/verso —, offset — noir et blanc — 800 ex. Prix : 0,10 € la monnaie n'est pas rendue


"Researchers recently asked volunteers to look at photographs of these knots and decide which would take more force to undo. The participants consistently misjudged the strength of the ties by wide margins, Johns Hopkins University brain science researchers Chaz Firestone and Sholei Croom report in the journal Open Mind."

Scientific American · Which Knot Is Stronger? Humans Aren’t Great JudgesPar Clara Moskowitz

Intuition and Instincts in Nietzsche

🌌💡 Nietzsche emphasizes instinct and intuition as essential driving forces of human existence. Contrary to introspection, he argues that our impulses should guide our actions. Let’s explore this fascinating perspective on human nature and its impact on our self-understanding. #Nietzsche #Philosophy #Instincts #Intuition Friedrich Nietzsche presents a radical view of human existence, where intuition and instincts play a central role.…

Homo Hortus · Intuition and Instincts in Nietzsche🌌💡 Nietzsche emphasizes instinct and intuition as essential driving forces of human existence. Contrary to introspection, he argues that our impulses should guide our actions. Let’s explore this fa…

L’Intuition et les Instincts chez Nietzsche

🌌💡 Nietzsche privilégie l'instinct et l'intuition comme forces motrices essentielles de l'existence humaine. Contrairement à l'introspection, il soutient que nos pulsions devraient guider nos actions. Explorons cette perspective fascinante sur la nature humaine et son impact sur notre compréhension de soi. #Nietzsche #Philosophie #Instincts #Intuition Friedrich Nietzsche propose une vision radicale de l'existence humaine, où…

Homo Hortus · L’Intuition et les Instincts chez Nietzsche🌌💡 Nietzsche privilégie l’instinct et l’intuition comme forces motrices essentielles de l’existence humaine. Contrairement à l’introspection, il soutient que nos pulsions de…

For some days, I leave open my telegram group to study how synchronicity is related with the development of #extrasensorial #skills. My idea is that we interact in the chat, so we can learn from each other. #Telepathy, #dejavu, #premonition, improvement of the way we deal with our dreams at night, #mind #reading, the relationship between art and the invisible realities, as well as the development of the #intuition, are among the subjects that we want to learn together.

Despites I am #autistic, and recently we have been noticed about the #telepathy #tapes, talking about #non oral autistic as people able to read minds, due to my experience in #oniric analysis, and the following of #coincidence at the same time, I can assure that everyone who is really interested, and friki, is able to start waking up these dormant skills.

On the chat you can speak in English, Spanish German or other languages because today with the translation bots is very easy to communicate with people from other cultures.

Here I leave you with the link of the telegram group in case you are curious. This is a test grup to see how it goes, and sometimes I am not keeping it as a public group: I open the entrance do it the first 5 days of every month but my idea is to keep it small so we are like a family and we feel safe to share dreams, coincidences, synchronicities oddities and many things that in another context are subject to get mocking, because we, #neurodivergent interested in these subjects, have to face that many people tell us that we are crazy, or that we are lying.

If you are familiar with groups of oneironauts you already know that in those communities there are a wide range of views and cosmovisions, so one of the main values of my group is that we can express our diversity with love compassion and education. We respect the subjective spiritual perceptions of each one, that's why dogmatism is not very much aligned with the vibes of the group. However we also search into scientific studies, what can be useful to learn our skills, and we hope that these subjects get into mainstream because more people remember the real power of their souls and minds. That will likely improve our planet: once you have been in communication with a plant, your behaviour will change. If more of us understand that for example telepathy, is directly related with unmasking and with compassive communication, the autenticity becomes the rule and not the exception... Utopia can happen!

The Altar on the picture is one example on how we can make our dreams talk during the day by means of getting in contact with our inner child and interact with objects or art as a way of journaling and honouring our dreams.

With synchronicity, the more you follow it, the more you you start feeling that, rarieties, paradolias, #coincidences and the content of your subconscious is able to access to information beyond the barriers of time. That's why when you try to understand what is inside your subconscious and get into development of intuition, you can feel that you were able to "see" or "know" a future event.

Studying #Sincronicity talks about the nature of #time , but in order to see it we must analyze and explore different manifestations of individual and collective subconscious, and we must do it constantly.

"Un être intelligent porte en lui de quoi se dépasser lui-même."

"Il y a des choses que l’intelligence seule est capable de chercher, mais que, par elle-même, elle ne trouvera jamais. Ces choses, l’instinct seul les trouverait ; mais il ne les cherchera jamais."

Henri Bergson, Intelligence et Instinct [L’Évolution créatrice, Chapitre II].
Retrouvez la Note contemplative :
#Philosophie #Bergson #Intelligence #Instinct #Intuition #HomoSapiens #HomoFaber

I want to talk about Feeling in the sense that we mean it when we say that we have the Feel of a thing — we have the Feel of a moment — we have a Feeling for material. This Feeling is a kind of relationship. It’s not love, exactly, though I am sure it is akin to it. It is not even very personal. Actually it seems to be physical and intuitive. It is a point where we enter into an object or a situation outside ourselves, we flow with it, we know it. We somehow know it in our organisms, we have the Feel of it. To have the Feel of a thing is to identify with its truth.
—Mary C. Richards, The Crossing Point
#feeling #intuition