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[I'm] an #author #writing a difficult story. ... Here's to hoping this post is firing me up[,] not simple #procrastination!

It worked. Over four hours I wrote 3,500 words. It was like getting that snowball to finally roll downhill until it started to grow. I completed the chapter with all the really difficult parts handled. May turn out to be crap, but it is completed crap and revision is good at deodorizing.

Here I am again, an #author #writing a difficult story. It's not seemly in context but the reader's context inescapably adds subtext. #Gender #fiction is fraught with semantic pitfalls. I keep telling myself to #write it, to imagine the character as female instead of male to make his role work better, to focus on the prejudices shown, reminding myself that what I've written so far in the chapter is spot on.





Here's to hoping this post is firing me up not simple #procrastination!

In last night's video I talked about the recent epiphany that I tend to put projects down and procrastinate picking them back up again whenever I reach a sort of transition point.

Sure enough, I'd finished the front panel of this jumper over the weekend and then just put it down and didn't cast on the back panel and worked on other things instead.

Now I recognise these warning signs and what's behind it. So last night I forced myself to start on the back, and of course it was no big deal at all and I don't know why my brain does this to me 😅

Yay for pushing past it, though!

Il y a quelques temps, j'ai commencé à bosser sur un projet que j'avais dans un coin de la tête depuis plusieurs années.

J'ai acheté le nom de domaine, j'ai codé ~80 % du site et préparé ~50 % du contenu en l'espace de 2 ou 3 jours.
Et depuis, ça traîne dans un coin.
Mais ça va, ça ne fait que quelques semaines...

Ah, non, mon registrar vient de me prévenir que je devais renouveler mon nom de domaine.

Y'a pas à être désagréable comme ça, Alwaysdata.

Tu es sur le plongeoir. Tu regardes en bas. C'est haut... Tu sais que tu dois y aller. 😬 D'autres attendent derrière. Mais c'est si haut ! Qu'attends-tu ? Tu en es pourtant capable ! Peut-être la prochaine fois ? Mais quand ?

Toi aussi, tu as un projet mais tu as peur de te lancer ? Le mieux c'est d'en parler. Parce que nous ne sommes pas seul⋅e⋅s.

Je viens d'ouvrir un canal de discussion d'entraide et d'encouragement mutuel. Pour s'inscrire, c'est ici :

Pour lire l'article sur mon blog :

Courage !