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[M]any leftist orgs create and foster the same type of anti Blackness that allow for the safety of Black participants . . . to constantly be put in sketchy situations. We are constantly placed in settings where we are demanded to interact in good faith and agree to empty, formless non apologies for incredibly racist words and (in)actions by white leftists – all the while being cast as “hostile”, “criminal”, and “threatening”, even as our access to platforms and ability to participate in organizing spaces are routinely stripped away through procedural death… The leftist bureaucratization that allows the same fucking discrimination we experience everywhere else to happen in supposedly radical spaces.

This is how the white left polices Black bodies while maintaining the optics of equitable, revolutionary praxis, simultaneously upholding white supremacy and the privileges it gives them.

Activist spaces are meant to be safe and they need to be safe for everyone, especially Black women and Black queer folks. . . We can't claim to support Black women and femmes in our rhetoric while not doing it in our actions. . .

Our spaces must be informed by a committed intersectional politic.

- The Left Has A Misogynior Problem - anti-Black ness At The Midwest Leftist Assembly (2019)

The Anarchist LibraryThe Left Has A Misogynoir ProblemAfrofuturist Abolitionists of the Americas The Left Has A Misogynoir Problem Anti-Blackness At the Midwest Leftist Assembly 11th September 2019

"Anti-Straight Bias?!"

The Whites are literally erasing us from public life and now they want to sue over their Heterosexual feelings being hurt?!

This is exactly why we have distrust of Straights, because this shit will be tolerated by YOUR power structures

We will always be 2nd class citizens, our rights a gift that can be taken away in a few years when the Hetereos are feeling mean and vindictive because of the Oligarchy

You just can’t make this up.
Add “having vocal cords that work” in the list of things one can’t do while Black. The latest example stems from a cafeteria worker in Nevada who filed a lawsuit because a few white teachers complained about her “Black voice.”
#BlackMastodon #whiteness #whitefragility #Xenophobia #Ethnocentrism

The Root · Black Nevada Cafeteria Worker Silenced Because White School Employees Didn't Like Her 'Black Voice,' But She GPar Kalyn Womack
Suite du fil

"Aspirational Whiteness'
More nuanced than the knee-jerk old school Oreo, Apple, or contemporary Bougie, and not exclusively male.

It's the uncritical embracing of an entire ecosystem self-deceptions prepared in advance that enables anyone to buy into a primarily racialized and gendered class based Ponzi scheme, while feeling good about themselves.

This actually includes poor whites who for generations have been treated as and literally called trash, but instead of allying themselves with #BIPoC in the struggle for justice, fight even harder for the sake of #whiteness.

This season of MAFS Australia, brought to you by the National Socialist Party...

I'm attracted to blonde hair, short petite and blonde.

I'm not racist, but I do lie Caucasian people..

I come from a family with really good genes. We have lots of blonde hair. I hope I have blonde kids.. I'll have a lot in common with them.

Yeah, I'm a little bit disappointed he's not blonde.

I was just hopeful I'd have a man who was the male version of me.

Note how the Oligarch Press is pushing it as "Trump wins" rather than "Trump backs down with concessions"
....but I guess if you're that old White Guy who replied to me saying he sees this all as a win for Trump, you see what you want to see, don't you?

Especially when it comes to notorious liars (and rapists)

But sure Old White Dude, "Trump wins again" isn't it?
