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🇫🇷 🇦🇺 L’orgueil a un prix.

En 2021, l’Australie claquait la porte à #NavalGroup pour se jeter dans les bras de Washington et Londres (#AUKUS), rêvant de sous-marins nucléaires et d’une puissance maritime renouvelée.

Trois ans plus tard, le rêve tourne au cauchemar : l’US Navy, incapable de construire ses propres bâtiments en temps voulu, pourrait bien ne jamais livrer ces fameux sous-marins à Canberra. Pire encore, l’Australie risque de n’obtenir que des bâtiments sous pavillon et

#asupol #AUKUS What a shambles. If we had stuck with the French contract, we'd probably be close to receiving the first submarine by now.🙄 😡

"Instead of wasting more time on the flawed Aukus submarine program, we must go to plan B now"

The Guardian · Instead of wasting more time on the flawed Aukus submarine program, we must go to plan B nowPar Guardian staff reporter

Dans ce marché de dupes qu'ont signé les australiens, ils vont payer des sous marins que conserveront les américains qui pourront les stationner éventuellement dans le pays en leasing et s'ils ont quelques minerais à concéder en échange.
ça porte un nom, Signer un contrat avec le Diable
#Australia #AUKUS #TRUMP

A répondu dans un fil de discussion


As part of the AUKUS agreement with the US & the UK, Australia has signed up to buy nuclear-powered AUKUS subs. The cost is "up to $368bn" and delivery is a long-term thing.

But Australia may never receive its subs because US production is down and America will almost certainly keep them for themselves.


The Guardian · Surface tension: could the promised Aukus nuclear submarines simply never be handed over to Australia?Par Ben Doherty

Everyone knew it was an incredibly #stupid idea when Scott Morrison signed the ANKUS deal! But he wanted that state dinner in Washington DC, but he wanted speaking gigs in the US conservative circuit after he left office! 😠

The USA only wants the Australian taxpayers' money. They have no intention to deliver, let alone to provide security to Australia. But if they invade others, we are bounded to join :eyeroll:


Prends ça dans ta gueule #AuKus
Prends ça dans ta gueule #Nato
Prends ça dans ta gueule #Japan
#Trump affirme que sous son mandat, il ne se tiendra pas tenu d'honorer ses alliances sinon au cas par cas avec ceux qui auront acheter suffisament américain.
Il y a une grande chance au contraire qu'ils se décident à produire eux-mêmes ou à acheter ailleurs comme vont le faire les anciens alliès européens qu'il vient de larguer pour sa bromance avec #Poutine

The Guardian · Trump casts doubt on willingness to defend Nato allies ‘if they don’t pay’Par Guardian staff reporter

Not sure that the Untied Kingdom will row back on its AUKUS nuclear submarine partnership with Australia in favour of Europe as a result of #TraitorTrump's siding with Putin rather than the West.

UK will need new nuclear boats to counter Putin's Russia as much as Oz will need them to counter Xi's China, and both countries will continue to benefit from collaboration (especially when #Trump withdraws our nuclear security clearances).


The Guardian · The US we thought we knew is gone – and Australians know itPar Guardian staff reporter

Presumably if Australia were attacked, the United States would demand rights to our resources under its new regime of transactional alliances.

Which is no mutual defence guarantee at all, so maybe they should go and get fucked and we can concentrate on friends and alliance partners that don't behave like stand-over mobsters.

RNZ · As Donald Trump upends geopolitics what happens to Five Eyes and AUKUS?Par RNZ News

The doomed security pact is fast turning into 'AnzRus' as DT's love affair with Russia heads for third base.. Australia needs a way out, we need a Plan B, but with Albanese not wanting to offend DT and Dutton outright admiring him, are there any Australian Politicians left willing to do the right thing?

The Guardian · Australia’s key ally has gone rogue – and Trump has us expertly wedged. We need a plan BPar Guardian staff reporter