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27 messages23 participants1 message aujourd’hui
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We really gotta stop listening to people who call our greatest strength our greatest weakness.

Setting the heart pieces aside, setting the morality aside, setting the edicts of whatever God you believe in (because almost all of them, through their prophets, call us towards empathy) aside?

Empathy let us hunt the mammoth and live. It let us survive the long winter. It let us keep the knowledge of what was good and baneful with the tribe when the knowledge lived in the heads of those too old or infirm to hunt, fish, or gather. It let us grow into predators of terrifying ferocity and efficacy without winnowing our own gene pool past the survivability threshold. It let us augment our own capacity with that of the wolf. With that of that of the horse. With that of the auroch. It let us find the path to turn competitors scrabbling for resources into awe-inspiring nations. To turn bloody fields into festival grounds. To turn monsters into neighbors. When we pierced the secret of the atom and discovered life and death themselves inside it, empathy is the only reason we ever had a smidgen of a prayer of a chance of choosing life, four generations on, still going.

Do not listen to people who call our greatest strength our greatest weakness. Their ideas are not only dangerous; they're profoundly, profoundly stupid.

Empathy Problem: too much #empathy might cause one to get too caught up in feelings, leading to unhealthy relationships, where a person's feelings control everything.

Misusing Empathy: People can use empathy to trick others, so when #feelings become more important than truth, the most sensitive people can end up controlling everything.

Scripture: The Bible says to "weep with those who weep,” but strong feelings can lead people in the wrong direction.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

A lot of people seem to be confused about the aim of replacing people with #ai in government & non-government #jobs

I believe the aim is NOT efficiency.
I believe the #billionaires would be ready to pay MORE for machines than what it takes to hire a human.
I believe it is about control.
I believe they are looking to replace AGENCY of private citizens, stopping the billionaires from being as greedy as they would like.

They want to eliminate #empathy and accordance to #law rather than wages.

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The banality of evil
In addition to my earlier post on the importance of #empathy by #hannaharendt , #arendt also ‘coined’ #thebanalityofevil . Not ‘evil’ as we commonly define, but carried out by ‘normal people’ in a #totalitarianSystem losing the characteristics we would normally recognise as evil. The #usa is rapidly evolving in such a system under #trump. Recognize the systems and speak out!

𝐄𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐢𝐧 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐬𝐨𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭

"Einstein was a socialist. He believed in socialism because, as a convinced equalitarian, he was opposed to the class division in capitalism and to the exploitation of man by man which he felt this system facilitated more ingeniously than any previous economic organization."

Albert Einstein (1959), charcoal and watercolor drawing by Alexander Dobkin
Monthly Review · Monthly Review | Einstein’s “Why Socialism?” and ‘Monthly Review’: A Historical IntroductionFor our seventy-fifth anniversary issue, John Bellamy Foster revisits the legacy of Albert Einstein and his deep connections to Monthly Review, including his authorship of the article “Why Socialism?,”…
Suite du fil

Deep empathy is the ability to enter the “mind space” of another person. The separateness between you and them fades away. In a sense, your identity merges with theirs, which enables you to feel what they are experiencing. In other words, deep empathy is an experience of connection.
—Steve Taylor, DisConnected: The Roots of Human Cruelty and How Connection Can Heal the World

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…empathy is more than just a cognitive or imaginative ability. It’s also the ability to feel what other people are experiencing. Here we could think in terms of “shallow” and “deep” empathy. Shallow empathy is when we guess or read other people’s feelings, whereas deep empathy is when we actually sense their feelings.
—Steve Taylor, DisConnected: The Roots of Human Cruelty and How Connection Can Heal the World

With their strong desire for power, it’s inevitable that hyper-disconnected people feel attracted to politics… Their ruthlessness and lack of empathy make it relatively easy for them to attain political power.
—Steve Taylor, DisConnected: The Roots of Human Cruelty and How Connection Can Heal the World