This weeks #ShowMeYourKnits prompt is “green”. And what beter candidate from my projects, than my Green Madeira shawl. It’s a semi-circle Pi shawl, I designed it for this gradient souvenir yarn from Trier
This weeks #ShowMeYourKnits prompt is “green”. And what beter candidate from my projects, than my Green Madeira shawl. It’s a semi-circle Pi shawl, I designed it for this gradient souvenir yarn from Trier
#StashDiveSaturday You may recall that I posted last month that Yax from RMR Yarn Co. asked me if I would also like to design a sweater using their yarn. Well folks, I've received the yarn, and it's absolutely gorgeous. I really can't describe how rich and bright this color is!
Last week, while I was taking pictures of my WIP's, Pimento decided that this shawl was looking awfully soft, and perfect to lie on. He did not damage the WIP in any way, probably because I recently clipped his nails
#FlashbackThursday Morello Cerise is a triangle shawl, knit sideways, in which the triangle edging is worked at the same time as the body of the shawl. I just love this construction
Today, I have for you the honeycomb cable stitch, visit the link to see how this lovely all-over textured stitch pattern is worked
With this project, I finished the body of the stole, and I started picking up and knitting the stitches all around the piece to work the border. I may have to do that again, though, my pickup rate at the sides may be off. To be continued!
#StashDiveSaturday Yax from RMR Yarn Co. send me extra yarn to finish the pink project. With these 2 skeins, I expect it will be possible to also make a matching hat
On this project, I've been knitting more leaves, again. Still not done, but the end is getting in sight
#FlashbackThursday The bunny ears back decrease, is a symmetrical way of decreasing 3 stitches to only 2, called this way, because the result somewhat looks like 2 bunny ears “hugging” the remaining 2 stitches. With this version, the “ears” point inwards
With this project, I've been happily knitting along. I’ve knit up half of 3 skeins of yarn, and started the decrease section
The past few days, I've been in London with my mom. It was lovely! We also visited John Lewis, where I did some yarn shopping. I will show you what I bought soon
Currently, I'm about to start with the darkest color in the sequence, and then back again to the lightest to match the start of the stole. I think I will have enough length by then. In this picture, you can see an impression of its current length
#LaVischDesigns Knitting #KnittingLife #KnittingLove #KnittingPattern #KnittingProject #ShawlKnitting #NeverEnoughShawls #MoreShawlsPlease #LaceKnitting
#FlashbackThursday Here you see the border detail of my Bloemen in het Gras shawl. This eye-catching design came from a desire to bring on an early spring
Want to learn an easy way to incorporate buttonholes in your bind-off? Look no further and visit this tutorial!
I've weighted the remaining yarn on the second ball, and it's almost time to start the decreases. Once I have 52 g left, that will be it for the rows with increases!
This is a truly epic countdown, at this point, I've been knitting leaves for over a year! In this picture, you can see a bit more of the shawl and its patterning. It's going to be so pretty!
#FlashbackThursday Second sock (or sleeve) syndrome REALLY is a thing... In this post, I made a list of how to possibly deal with it
I've picked up this project again. It's really time that I reduce my number of WIP's, because they're starting to weigh on me. And when that happens, it just isn't relaxing anymore. So, time to finish something before starting a new project