@kakape Too little, too late: if one considers that #EU spent in two years #billions of € for #weapons (directly related to hundreds thousand deaths), these crumbs for DRC show the inanity of the EC #politburo.
A #PutinLoyalist, #Belousov is a veteran #economist and former counterpart to #DingXuexiang, a close ally of #XiJinping and a member of #China’s #politburo standing committee. #Ukraine
Among the vast number of officials in the Russian delegation is Putin’s new defence minister, Andrei Belousov.
I've taken part in a number of those pseudo-consultations regarding e-government or digital politics. The proposals to be commented never failed to "disappoint", always had a deeply Orwellian component.
And by now I know for sure that the "consultation" process isn't serious.
No amount of well-founded criticism from the public has had any impact whatsoever on those bandwagons.
The only effect is that the objections are there for all to see, for posterity maybe.