I am looking for a Canadian Alternative to #paypal. Any Suggestions?
Edit : As soon as I posted, I found this link and I am investigating after typing in PayPal.
I am looking for a Canadian Alternative to #paypal. Any Suggestions?
Edit : As soon as I posted, I found this link and I am investigating after typing in PayPal.
Montonio and Inbank expand financing in Lithuania and Latvia https://www.byteseu.com/795415/ #BNPL #Expansion #Lithuania #OnlinePayments #partnership #ProductLaunch
https://www.europesays.com/1872942/ ING Belgium collaborates with Mastercard to roll out Click to Pay #België #belgien #Belgique #belgium #Nachrichten #Nieuws #Nouvelles #OneClickPayments #OnlinePayments #OnlineShopping #partnership
Apple abruptly abandons “buy now, pay later” service amid regulatory scrutiny - Enlarge (credit: sesame | DigitalVision Vectors)
Apple has abr... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=2032164 #consumerfinancialprotectionbureau #buynowpaylater #onlinepayments #applepaylater #creditcard #applepay #policy #apple #loans #bnpl
A TU/e project based on the Free Software GNU Taler will push next-generation private and secure online payments. GNU Taler is different from current online payment methods like credit cards or bank transfers, because it is Free Software and offers privacy for the buyer.
More info here
Elon Musk wants your “entire financial life” on X by 2024 - Enlarge (credit: MANDEL NGAN / Contributor | AFP)
One year int... - https://arstechnica.com/?p=1979201 #financialtechnology #digitalpayments #twitterpayments #globalpayments #onlinepayments #onlinebanking #xpayments #elonmusk #banking #fintech #twitter #policy #x
Bitcoin Proponents Slam Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman After Venmo Payment Issue
#subprimemortgagecrash #financialinstitution #CensorshipResistant #FinancialTechnology #KeynesianEconomics #PaymentProcessors #nobelprizewinner #DigitalCurrency #Cryptocurrency #economicimpact #electroniccash #MonetaryPolicy #OnlinePayments #paymentsystems #Decentralized #DigitalAssets #michaelsaylor #Bitcoin
14th Anniversary of Bitcoin’s Genesis Block: A Look Back at the Birth of Cryptocurrency
#CryptocurrencyEconomy #FinancialInstitutions #securecryptography #dusttransactions #FinancialCrisis #SatoshiNakamoto #bitcoinaddress #coinbasereward #Cryptocurrency #OnlinePayments #paymentsystem #previousblock #BankBailouts #GenesisBlock #blockheader #Blockchain #BlockZero #Bitcoin #News