Pour les gens qui lisent sur liseuse, il y a des grosse promo sur tout un tas de livres de #TerryPratchett
Pour les gens qui lisent sur liseuse, il y a des grosse promo sur tout un tas de livres de #TerryPratchett
Sœurcières 2016
My little tribute to Gnu Terry Pratchett
He was truly my favorite author
GNU Sir Terry Pratchett
"No one is actually dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away..."
#Discworld #DiscworldConvention
#GNU #GNUTerryPratchett #TerryPratchett
@camilla_hoel @bookstodon There is this nice tradition of network admins from all over the globe to add a special "invisible" "X-Clacks-Overhead" HTTP header to their websites in memory of Terry Pratchett.
The header itself doesn't serve a function, but it is always nice to find it when analyzing network traffic and knowing that you are not alone in missing Terry Pratchett.
Hard to believe it's already been ten years. GNU Terry Pratchett.
( Illustration by Paul Kidby)
Hoy recordamos a nuestro querido, brillante, mordaz e inglés (no se puede tener todo) #TerryPratchett.
Y os dejo aquí un regalo de uno de sus libros, que nunca nunca me canso de recomendar:
"No se puede ir por la vida construyendo un mundo mejor para la gente. Sólo la gente puede construir un mundo mejor para ellos.
De lo contrario, no se trata más que de una jaula". Brujas de viaje.
The pTerry #JOSM plugin adds `GNU Terry Pratchett` to the overhead in the #OpenStreetmap “clacks” (changeset tags).
Thinking of Terry Pratchett today, on the 10th anniversary of his death. Both my husband and I have adored his books for a very long time. I'm part way through yet another Discworld reread, this time the Witches books. Next up is Tiffany Aching's first outing. Sad to have lost him, but what a legacy he left us. #GNUTerryPratchett #Discworld #TerryPratchett #Books
My latest blog post: GNU Terry Pratchett
In honour of the impact he's had on my life, I’ve joined the ranks of similarly nerdy sysadmins and enabled the x-clacks-overhead header on all my sites. GNU Terry Pratchett.
#GutenMorgen #otd
Heute, vor 10 Jahren, am 12.3.2015 verstarb der Autor der berühmten Scheibenweltromane, #terrypratchett
As they say in Discworld, we are trying to unravel the Mighty Infinite using a language which was designed to tell one another where the fresh fruit was.
“In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.”
(Lords and Ladies)
In ancient times cats were worshiped as gods; they have not forgotten this.
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people there see you differently, too. Coming back to where you started is not the same as never leaving.”
(A Hat Full of Sky)
‘Down there,’ he said, ‘are people who will follow any dragon, worship any god, ignore any iniquity. All out of a kind of humdrum, everyday badness. Not the really high, creative loathsomeness of the great sinners, but a sort of mass-produced darkness of the soul. Sin, you might say, without a trace of originality. They accept evil not because they say yes, but because they don’t say no.’
(Guards Guards)
2/2 I never send it to him and lost it while moving...
He made me understand people so much easier, so much more real, before that, I looked on people with confusion, not understanding why they acted so differently from what I thought was morally right.
He opened my eyes & to this day I am thankful for this.
Over 30 years later.
The other Book I come back to is an Audiobook I listen to almost every evening since my 16. birthday.
The Cthulhu Mythos by H.P. Lovecraft red by David Nathan. I don't like horror, I don't support Lovecrafts racism and I don't think that the Audiobooks whitewashed attempt of the "narrator Lovecraft" plea for redemption really has a basis in reality, but something about the Cthulhu Mythos world itself makes me feel cozy right at home...
What ever that says about me.
Just in case: I hate fascism, racism, sexism, ableism, genderism etc the only -ism I support is antifascism.
#ScribesAndMakers 06.03.25 #reading #writing #TerryPratchett #Lovecraft
06.03.25 Tell us about a book you go back and read over and over. What do you love about it?
Terry Pratchett & no specific book simply all of them. The ones who red his work, saw the stuff he created know why. It all started with a game little younger me played with her brother. We bashed our heads about the riddles in that game it was Discworld 2. I was at a secondary school (Hauptschule) not very focused on education of higher arts but stuff for "the workers." I started reading Star Trek novels that I discovered shortly before my brother got the game. It was fun.
As I one day realized that Discworld is a book series I couldn't resist I NEEDED those books. It was the dual edition The Color of Magic & The Light of Fantasy. It plunged me into a world I barely knew before.
Where Star Trek helped me grow my beliefs what's ethical & right Sir Terry taught me how people work.
I once wrote a tribute to his work sadly
#ScribesAndMakers 06.03.25 #reading #writing #TerryPratchett #StarTrek
There is a curse.
They say:
May you live in interesting times.
Terry Pratchett, Interesting times.
#terrypratchett #discworld #rincewind
I did not want to live such a interesting times.
It’s been years since I visited the Discworld, so I’m putting that right! #CurrentlyReading #Goodreads #ReadingChallenge #Bookworm #Bibliophile #TerryPratchett #Discworld #TheTruth