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#PPOD: This is one of a series of images taken by the ESA/JAXA #BepiColombo mission on 8 January 2025 as the spacecraft sped by for its sixth and final gravity assist maneuver at the planet. After flying over the planet's north pole, the spacecraft had clear views of #Mercury's sunlit northern hemisphere. The image shows that large regions of Mercury's heavily cratered surface are smoothed over by lava from volcanic eruptions. Credit: ESA/BepiColombo/MTM

Spacecraft Buzzes Mercury's North Pole And Beams Back Stunning Photos
-- <-- shared technical article
-- <-- shared BBC In Our Time podcast
[I have been following this for some time, but even more so since an excellent May ’24 podcast I listened to, link above…]
#GIS #spatial #space #mapping #InOurTime #podcast #BBC #spacecraft #mercury #flyby #extraterrestrial #planet #solarsystem #BepiColombo #ESA #JAXA #exploration #remotesensing #satellite #imagery #photo
@ESA @JAXA @InOurTime

[Physique des plasmas spatiaux] Lors du récent survol de la planète #Mercure par la sonde #BepiColombo, les deux analyseurs d’électrons de Mercure (MEA) construits par l’IRAP ont collecté de précieuses données concernant les populations d'électrons dans l’environnement magnétique et plasma de Mercure :

La physique des plasmas spatiaux était enseignée par Dominique Le Quéau au début des années 1990 ... Il fut le professeur, le directeur de thèse, le collègue et ami, de toute une génération d'astronomes toulousains ... Sa disparition nous attriste 😢

Suite du fil

Image posted by the ESA BepiColombo team, taken 5.5 hours before closest approach (around 00:29 UTC) when the spacecraft was 44,950 km from Mercury's southern hemisphere. The planet is at the bottom of the picture, below two of the spacecraft's booms.

BepiColombo has now completed its 6th flyby.

More pics are expected to be released Thursday morning.


BepiColombo [spacecraft] Reveals Mercury In A New Light [remote sensing]
-- <-- ESA technical release
“On 1 December 2024, BepiColombo flew past Mercury for the fifth time. During this flyby, BepiColombo became the first spacecraft ever to observe Mercury in mid-infrared light..."
#GIS #spatial #mapping #remotesensing #astrogeology #geology #solarsystem #spacecraft #Mercury #BepiColombo #infrared #planet #geology #spatialanalysis #flyby #orbit #MERTIS

[#BepiColombo survole #Mercure ...] Ce 1er décembre, la #sonde européano-japonaise s'est positionnée entre le #Soleil et la planète Mercure, recueillant un ensemble de données scientifiques - relatives notamment à sa #composition de surface.

Le survol d'une #planète, c'est l'occasion en effet pour les scientifiques des agences spatiales impliquées - ici l' ESA et la JAXA, d'allumer les #instruments embarqués, de vérifier leur bon fonctionnement, et de collecter de nouvelles données. Cette fois, ce sont des données relatives à la #température et la composition de surface de la planète Mercure qu'a recueillies l'instrument #MERTIS, un radiomètre et #spectromètre infrarouge thermique.

Une première ! Jamais en effet Mercure n'avait encore été observée dans ce domaine de longueurs d'ondes, l'IR moyen. Infos+ :

The ESA BepiColombo mission to Mercury will make its 5th flyby of Mercury on Sunday Dec 1, 2024 at 14:23 UTC.

Distance from Mercury's surface will be 37,630 km, which is much farther than the 165 km distance during flyby #4 on Sep 4.

Since the last flyby, BepiColombo is in an orbit similar to that of Mercury. After one more flyby on Jan 8, BepiColombo will coast along until Mercury orbit insertion in Nov 2026.
#BepiColombo #ESA

Some exciting stuff to look forward to this weekend: #ESA's and #JAXA's #BepiColombo will make its fifth #Mercury flyby on Sunday!


Flybys are not just exiting because of all the flight dynamics & trajectory magic, but also because we can actually use them to do science! For example, during the third flyby, scientists were able to map the magnetosphere of Mercury:
