"5 years later, long Covid is still a medical mystery: What scientists have learned"
"The U.S. may be coming through the first post-pandemic winter without a major surge in cases, but each infection carries a risk of developing long Covid."
"5 years later, long Covid is still a medical mystery: What scientists have learned"
"The U.S. may be coming through the first post-pandemic winter without a major surge in cases, but each infection carries a risk of developing long Covid."
I wrote a guest article for Healthy Debate that looks at why we need mandatory masks in healthcare, why surgical masks aren’t enough, and how the mounting threats to public health are putting lives at risk.
If you’re a healthcare worker, mask up.
Show us you take your oath to “do no harm” seriously
Long Covid Awareness Day: How to Take Action on March 15th
"Millions of people around the world continue to suffer from Long Covid, facing challenges in healthcare, employment, and daily life. March 15th is an opportunity to amplify their voices and demand action. Whether by attending a protest, sharing a story, or simply spreading awareness online, your participation matters."
Ziggy is right !
Tired of trusting your health to a system that always prioritizes profit ?
Watch this amazing TedX talk by Rachel Knox on the #ENDOCANNABINOIDSYSTEM to find out how right Ziggy is.
TED flagged it because she was brave enough to name old american #oligarchs who wrote cannabis out of medicine books!
#memercredi #medicalcannabis
#cannabismedicinal #weed #thc
#cbd #marijuana #marihuana #endocannabiniode #healer
#ImmuneDysfunction #pain #chronicillness #ptsd #thca #depression #insomnia #healthscience #medicinalpsychedelics #viernesdememes #herbalism
#oligarchy #solarpunk #regenerativemedicine
Treatment: The ER’s Embrace
Today marks the five year anniversary of Covid being declared a pandemic. Some things I want people to remember:
The threat is not gone. People are still dying and becoming disabled every single day
COVID is airborne. It’s always been airborne. Droplet transmission was pushed incorrectly & then doubled down on for economic reasons. If governments admit it’s airborne, they have to spend money upgrading air quality and providing respirators etc.
The only way to avoid Long Covid is to not get Covid.
A well fitted respirator like an N95 offers excellent personal protection
Mask mandates belong in healthcare
If you’re not masking for your patient, you’re abdicating your responsibility to do no harm
It costs nothing to open a window and it will improve ventilation and reduce odds of viral spread. Air purifiers work well too
COVID is a social justice issue. Masks, tests, air filters, paid time off… these things all cost money. The disease disproportionately impacts those who are most vulnerable and multiple marginalized
Repeat infections don’t make you stronger. They don’t give you immunity. They actually harm your brain, heart and immune system. They’re also NOT inevitable
Kids are harmed by COVID too. They need the adults to protect them. We need clean in schools and on school buses
We went “back to normal” for capitalism. It wasn’t because it was safe. It wasn’t because there was a cure. Governments and those in power Are willing to sacrifice us to keep end stage capitalism afloat a little longer
Repeat infections are NOT inevitable. We can still curb the spread. We don’t have to accept constant sickness and disability as our new normal.
May we be in a much better place five years from now than we are today.
If you know someone suffering from Long Covid, reach out to them. Ask them how you can support them. Remind them they’ve not been forgotten. Wear a mask for them. They are counting on you.
(US) Telehealth Update
Image from Massachusetts ME/CFS & FM Association March 2025 e-newsletter:
@longcovid #LongCovid #MEcfs
Everyone is invited to join!
Folks with chronic illness, caregivers, healthy allies -- anyone who cares about protecting Medicaid can join one of these two calls.
If you're unable to join the call here's a link listing other actions (e.g., sharing posts, calling your senators and representatives) that you can take:
Here's the latest News in Brief (March 3 - 9), a weekly summary of ME/CFS and Long Covid news from the Science for ME forum:
From ME Research UK:
A study has investigated the impact of psychosomatic and psychiatric misdiagnoses on the well-being of people with systemic autoimmune rheumatic diseases.
Read more about what the research found, and how it relates to ME/CFS research here: https://bit.ly/4ioaGnG
@chronicillness @spoonies @Acicommunity @mecfs @longcovid #chronicillness #autoimmune #mecfs #cfs #pwme
Pandemics change people. We aren’t used to dealing with the mass death, disability & uncertainty that comes with them.
Unfortunately due to technology & misinformation, society is choosing NOT to process its collective trauma.
Most people are firmly in denial about COVID, and many are grasping on to conspiracy theories and harmful rhetoric in order to return to their 2019 version of “normal”.
That denial is changing us. Refusing to deal with trauma has consequences.
We’re becoming more detached, reckless and apathetic.
There’s still time to change. It starts with acknowledging that the threat has not passed and we all need to do our part to protect our health & the health of those around us.
We have to begin to adapt so that we can heal.
“We believe that these adversarial relationships and language are more likely to arise when healthcare professionals are confronting complex
chronic illnesses without proper training, diagnostic biomarkers, or FDA-approved therapies.”
This International Women’s Day, remember that women are disproportionately impacted by many chronic illnesses. We’re more likely to be abandoned by our spouse/partner when we become disabled, and mistreated/gaslit by the medical profession.
Women’s rights & disability rights are uniquely intertwined.
A few years old, but always fresh:
Your Fear of Long COVID
by Emma Sheppard