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Bayer is lobbying to change US laws so it has legal immunity from #glyphosate lawsuits. Now it's had its first success in the US state of Georgia, where both the House and Senate have approved giving it immunity, following heavy lobbying by Bayer. With the change in state law, lawsuits over alleged health risks from glyphosate now have virtually no legal basis in Georgia, according to US industry circles. Bayer is also lobbying Trump for immunity at the federal level.

The Plan To Make America Hazardous Again. Trump’s EPA wants to stop states from warning people about potentially dangerous chemicals sprayed on their food. One of the warnings that could be banned under the rule would be information about #glyphosate

The Lever · The Plan To Make America Hazardous AgainTrump’s EPA could stop states from warning people about potentially dangerous chemicals sprayed on their food.
Suite du fil

“Our primary analyses focus on the over 10 million births that occurred 1990-2013 in rural US counties or involved mothers residing in rural counties. This subset represents the births most likely to be impacted by the increase in #glyphosate exposure induced by the release of #GMO seeds.”

Los resultados de este reciente estudio de la Universidad de Oregón muestran los daños a la #saludperinatal a partir de la introducción de semillas #transgénicas y #glifosato en #EEUU

Hay una reducción significativa en el peso promedio al nacer y la longitud gestacional, sobre todo en comunidades rurales con uso de #glifosato y siembra de #OGM Ello ha implicado costos de salud desiguales para estas comunidades en #EEUU

#GMO #USA #perinatalhealth #glyphosate #Oregon

Nous avons enfin la date de l'audience de notre procédure contre #Bayer / #Monsanto pour tenter d'obtenir justice pour les malformations de Théo suite à son exposition au #glyphosate in utero.

Rendez-vous le 3 avril à 9h au Tribunal de Vienne dans l'Isère (38).

L'audience devrait être publique, dans la limite des places disponibles.
Merci à tous pour votre soutien tout au long de ces années de marathon judiciaire...

These "Mom" organizations make the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

Why is my uncle messaging me to let me know that *Moms Across America* commissioned testing that found glyphosate and heavy metal contamination in Girl Scout cookies? I mean, he did just buy some from my kid (no refunds!) and I understand the concern about food contamination, but something is off. What's the deal with Moms Across America? Why is their CEO an RFK Jr. supporter who featured on the Dr. Oz show? It seems like an organic food lobbying organization, but I wonder if there's more to it than that.

#GirlScoutCookies #GMO #DrOz #MomsAcrossAmerica #glyphosate #AstroTurf #lobbying #Moms

Study links increased glyphosate exposure to harmful effects on infant health. "Prior to 1996, the data show that trends in two birth outcomes, birthweight and gestation, remained quite similar in counties less and more suitable for #GMO crops. However, after 1996 infant health deteriorated sharply in counties more suitable for those crops. Rubin and Reynier attribute that relative deterioration to the change in #glyphosate use caused by the introduction of GMO seeds."

News-Medical · Study links increased glyphosate exposure to harmful effects on infant healthIncreased exposure to glyphosate, one of the most widely used herbicides in the United States and much of the world, harms infant health in U.S. agricultural counties, according to a new study by two University of Oregon economists.

Big mystery, eh? Um, maybe consider that #RoundUp / #Glyphosate is altering the #microbiomes? smh...

"The drivers of young-onset #colorectal cancer are not well understood. Some believe that the rise is due to risk factors such as obesity and diabetes. Others believe it may be related to a change in the microbiome (the unique bacterial mix that lives in our bodies), or to antibiotic exposure and dietary choices. We just do not really know the cause. "

PocketThe Colon Cancer Symptoms Young Men Should Never IgnoreA gastroenterology expert reveals what signs to look for.