What Is the Hardest Part of Waiting? Scientists Have Discovered the Answer
https://scitechdaily.com/what-is-the-hardest-part-of-waiting-scientists-have-discovered-the-answer/ #psychology #waiting #impatience #increases #end
What Is the Hardest Part of Waiting? Scientists Have Discovered the Answer
https://scitechdaily.com/what-is-the-hardest-part-of-waiting-scientists-have-discovered-the-answer/ #psychology #waiting #impatience #increases #end
#Exposure to high levels of #ozone significantly #increases #MaleMale #courtship among #FruitFlies while making the #OzoneExposed #males #LessAttractive to #females finds a #NewStudy .
As #OzoneLevels rise due to #industrial #pollution & #anthropogenic activities, it can #harm a number of #species of #insects that rely on #SexDetermining #pheromones to find a suitable mate, it added.
Rate Hikes Needed to Reduce Eurozone Inflation Despite Recession, Top ECB Official Says
#EuropeanCentralBank #interestrates #LuisdeGuindos #vicepresident #Expectations #CentralBank #projections #deguindos #Increases #inflation #interview #Recession #euroarea #european #Eurozone #increase #Finance #Economy #Europe #growth #hikes #rates #Euro #Hike #rate #ECB #EU
Bitcoin’s Difficulty Slides 7.32%, Reduction Marks the Largest Drop in 2022
#DifficultyChanges #difficultychange #difficultyepochs #7.32%reduction #Bitcoinmining #Alltimehigh #BinancePool #MiningPools #2016Blocks #7.32%lower #difficulty #FoundryUSA #BTCMining #Hashpower #Hashrates #Increases #MiningBTC #Hashrate #Terahash #Antpool #Changes #Exahash #Mining #F2Pool #mining #ViaBTC #ATH
#High #profile #Republicans #gain #followers in first weeks of #Musk’s #reign Sens. Elizabeth #Warren and #Bernie #Sanders have #lost tens of #thousands of #followers, while #Republicans such as Sen. #Ted #Cruz and Rep. #Marjorie #Taylor #Greene have seen #big #increases. https://www.washingtonpost.com/technology/2022/11/27/musk-followers-bernie-cruz/ #socialmedia #bias #statistics #misinformation #disinformation #bad #trouble
Bitcoin’s Mining Difficulty Taps a Lifetime High, Glassnode Says BTC Miners Remain ‘Under Immense Pressure’
#DifficultyChanges #difficultychange #difficultyepochs #PriceperExahash #difficultyhigh #GlassnodeStats #Bitcoinmining #Alltimehigh #BinancePool #MiningPools #2016Blocks #difficulty #FoundryUSA #BTCMining #glassnode #Hashpower #Hashrates #Increases #ATH