@skykiss let’s hope more than a few people gathers there. #freedom #democracy #uspolitics #trumpism #trump #donaldtrump
@skykiss let’s hope more than a few people gathers there. #freedom #democracy #uspolitics #trumpism #trump #donaldtrump
Protesting genocide is not a crime!
Fight back against repression!
#ICE out of our communities!
#mahmoudkhalil #politicalPrisioners #gazasolidarityencampment #deportation #freepalestine #gazagenocide #meltICE #protest #solidarity #students #repression #donaldtrump #trumpRegime
#HandsOffOurStudents #ReleaseMahmoudKhalil
#sds #protest #mahmoudkhalil #deportation #DonalTrumpRegime
#Kkk #solidarity #freeSpeech #trumpism
It’s ‘Maganomics’: Trump’s brash economic strategy is likely to end in crash or crisis
#guardian #capitalism #trumpism #maga #moronsaregoverningamerica #TragedyAndFarce #USmeltdown
@helenczerski wasn’t Trump bragging that USA will lead the way for innovation and research? is that limit led only to investment in #starlink and #spacex? #trumpism #muskrat #muskolini
"unparalleled attack on the rule of law" not seen "since the days of McCarthyism,"
The United States has been added to the Civicus Monitor Watchlist, which identifies countries experiencing rapid decline in civic freedoms. The US joins the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Italy, Pakistan and Serbia on the first watchlist of 2025.
H/t @adirtyhippie
National SDS calls for an emergency day of action on Tuesday, March 11th to stop Trump’s attack on free speech. Release Mahmoud Khalil!
#sds #students #protest #mahmoudkhalil #deportation #DonalTrumpRegime
#Kkk #GazaGenocide #freepalestine #solidarity #freeSpeech #trumpism
C'est officiel, l'organisme CIVICUS, une ONG dédiée au renforcement de l'action citoyenne et de la société civile dans le monde entier, vient d'ajouter les États-Unis dans son Monitor Watchlist, qui identifie les pays qui, selon l'organisme mondial de surveillance des droits civils, connaissent actuellement un déclin rapide des libertés civiques.
Happy that I had the opportunity to present my findings from my PhD in English to a #FOSS audience at #fossbackstage25
In a nutshell: The analyis of different GNU/Linux distributions shows how community culture inform technology development, and technology shapes its users.
In times of #Trumpism and #musk it becomes evident, that we need control over our software.
We also need to include users and adress their needs through #governance and #participatorydesign
@realTuckFrumper Donald Krasnow President of the White Kremel of USR #trump #trumps #trumpism #musk #MuskNazi #TrumpIsARussianAsset
Je ne suis clairement pas du bord politique de Claude Malhuret (centre-droit), mais force est de constater que son discours est puissant et de calibre international. Il faut le faire connaître le plus possible aux États-Unis.
Guerre en Ukraine : "Washington est devenu la cour de Néron", lance Clau...
The Hidden Agenda Behind Trump’s Expiring Tax Breaks
#usa #trumpism #trump #taxcuts #taxgiveaways
Quoting Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly on Trump's tariff threats: "a fundemntal threat."
This one time in maybe 2018 I pissed off a few uni colleagues. At a "senate" meeting (it deserves quotation marks at my school) some people with #psychometrics training & experience, including me, explained that a specific kind of #assessment was invalid--as in zero validity for intended purpose--so we should not use it. It literally provides no information about what it says, so we might as well roll dice or draw #random words from a hat.
The administration argued vehemently for keeping the assessment. They claimed it was valid (we showed them it wasn't). They claimed that a "caring" or "astute" instructor could glean valuable information (we showed them that this wasn't possible). They appealed to the other professors, implying that not using this assessment meant they didn't care about their students, and that voting to eliminate this assessment meant they (the eggheaded intellectuals) were being dunked on by the eggheaded intellectuals.
The measure failed and we still use the assessment. After the meeting I and someone else were bemoaning the result. I said something like "What happened in there was Trumpian." A colleague walking by overheard and angrily asked, "What do you mean by that?!"
I said, "The faculty heard from the experts telling them something they didn't like and they chose to go with the people who had no expertise telling them what they wanted to hear."
(I am sometimes not diplomatic; this makes a good story, but I really wish I had found a better way to say that.)
The person audibly huffed, actually turned on their heel, and walked away. They haven't spoken to me since.
Toujours bon de s'appuyer sur des études scientifiques pour corroborer les ressentis. Les États-Unis, la Russie, l'Inde et le Brésil dans le peloton de tête des pays ou les fausses nouvelles pullulent.
Spotting false news and doubting true news: a systematic review and meta-analysis of news judgment.
Message from our Big Boss this morning:
"It saddens me that we have a government that doesn't appreciate the hard work that [Person 1] and [Person 2] have put in over the years. I'd like you both to know that I sincerely appreciate your dedication and hard work for our organizations and the farmers of [Geographical Area]. Enjoy your retirement and know that the people who really count appreciate you both."
I had to cackle a bit at "the people who really count."
Good job SNL. When the satire is as close as the reality, you know the country is in total decline. Mike Myers nailed it.
#MSNBC is missing an opportunity by not standing its ground. But to be fair, its coverage of the Gaza genocide demonstrated a clear failure to act as an impartial news source and fulfill its journalistic responsibilities. The current changes at the network are a betrayal of the very idea of journalistic work as well as free expression.
H/t @odaraia