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Adults are usually fairly tidy when dining out. But when kids and babies are along for the experience, a lot of the food meant for their tum tum ends up on the floor floor. So who’s supposed to clean up the mess? The server — who’s waiting on perhaps 20 other people — or the parents paying for the service? Luckily, @foodandwine sorts it all out for us:

Food & WineWho Is Responsible for Cleaning Up a Kid's Mess in a Restaurant, Waiters or Parents?Children can be messy eaters, but when a kid makes a mess in a restaurant, who should clean it up? A longtime waiter has answers for who should clean up food mess, a spilled drink, broken glass, or bodily fluids — the parent or the server.

The thing about writing and supporting free software is that you don't actually owe any particular user anything, so when one of them sends you an email with an all-caps subject, you can respond like this: "I am happy to help people but I do not help strangers who yell at me. Please resend your message without the all-caps subject if you would like my assistance."
#FOSS #etiquette #netiquette

It will never stop annoying me when I offer something on #TrashNothing or #Freecycle, and someone says they want it and names a specific day and time when they're going to come pick it up, and then they no-show and ghost me.
If you're enough of a grown-up to be participating in one of these groups, you're enough of one to figure out to show up when you say you're going to or apologize if you can't.
Grow the fuck up, show some respect for other people.
#freeStuff #etiquette #manners #petPeeve

"I can’t put my finger on why but social etiquette seems to have gone out of the window and with it, general care for others," writes @Refinery29's Tanyel Mustafa. Over the past couple of years she's noticed people don't let others get off the train before boarding, they talk over the music at gigs, they look at their phones in the movie theater. She blames individualism and says we need to move back to finding value in small connections — and maybe even call out the bad behavior. Have you noticed people are ruder and more inconsiderate these days? Tell us in the comments if you have a theory as to why.

www.refinery29.comWhere The Hell Has Everyone’s Social Etiquette Gone?When I go to concerts, a large bulk of people seem to be talking over the music.

Genuine question for Muslims of the fediverse.

I generally try to be friendly to strangers, particular those who strike me as more likely to get negative looks and comments from the majority population in Aotearoa. When I come across women wearing Muslim style head coverings in public places, I usually smile in greeting, and maybe say "kia ora". But ...

Could I be making these women uncomfortable, and would it be politer to ignore them?

🔥 take: If you're going to boost an entire thread...

1. Don't. Just boost the first post in it. If you really want to emphasize that the thing is awesome, pick 1-2 other posts and boost those as well. But boosting the whole thing feels like you're trying to override my own choices about who I read. I curate my stream, not you.

2. If you really can't abide by #1, boost them *first-to-last!* Not last-to-first! Then the whole thread comes up *backwards* in my stream. Please don't.

Tant qu’on est sur le sujet des hashtags, de grâce gardez-les à la fin du post.

- les hashtags dans le texte courant sont un vrai problème pour les personnes ayant des difficultés de lecture, et pour les personnes qui utilisent des lecteurs d’écrans ;
- dans l’interface de Mastodon ils seront remisés à une place où ils ne distrairont pas mais resteront lisibles.

Donc on évite de rendre la lecture de vos posts plus difficiles pour plein de gens, on dépose les hashtags à la fin.

“Well, happy birthday! You got the tab, right?” Even etiquette experts are split on who pays for a birthday dinner. The host? Guest of honor? Guests? Pop Sugar tries to settle the debate. "Awkward as these situations can be, they can usually be clarified — and upset feelings avoided — with good pre-party communication and planning,” says Mr. Manners himself, Thomas P. Farley. Read the full story, then tell us what you think in the comments:
#Culture #Birthdays #Parties #BirthdayParties #Etiquette #Human #HumanBehavior

POPSUGAR · Birthday Dinner Meal Paying EtiquettePar Maressa Brown

PSA for everyone on Mastodon: You don't need to use link shorteners. All links count as 23 characters, no matter what.

All a link shortener does is keep people from seeing where the link goes*. Many of us will refuse to boost posts with shortened links precisely because of this.

Please, just put the actual link in your post!

* And make your link become useless if the link shortening service ever goes away for any reason.)