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#émotion #VéloTaf

Vous rentrez du travail ou vous vous y rendez. Vous pensez à des problèmes liés à votre job. Vous levez la tête de votre guidon et vous vous dites que c'est quand même bien joli. Vous pensez moins forts à vos soucis. Vous resentez une émotion pas très forte, pas très intense de l'ordre de la joie.

Comment nommeriez-vous cette émotion ?

The only kind of AI girlfriend/boyfriend company I could tolerate, is one where they leave when you’re a violent douchebag.

There seriously needs to be some kind of #public #academic scrutiny to how virtual humans that school our children to behave should be like.

How these systems behave is not trivial. Our pack animal brains learn from them. That’s how childhood works, can’t change that.

No punishment for psycho behaviour won’t work good for us as a whole.

« Sortir de sa tête »
#adaptation #AlanWatts #citation #émotion #hyperrationalité #métaphore #sensibilité #souplesse

« En sortant de votre esprit, vous venez à vos sens. Alors que si vous restez tout le temps dans votre esprit, vous devenez hyperrationnel. En d'autres mots, vous êtes comme un pont rigide à l'extrême, qui, parce qu'il n'a pas la moindre souplesse, pas le moindre grain de folie, sera jeté à bas au premier ouragan. »
– Alan Watts, L'envers du néant, Denoël/Gonthier, 1978, p. 59

Hier, le nouvel album de Sharon van Etten and The Attachment Theory est sorti et il est vraiment incroyable !
La manière dont les lignes de basse de Devra Hoff s’enroulent autour de la voix, j’adore !
#indiemusic #sharonvanetten #80s #indierock #emotion #bass #devrahoff

Suite du fil

##Brain scans of people who’ve had #SARS-CoV-2 show a pattern of brain shrinkage that is distinct from normal aging. The orbitofrontal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus are the regions most likely to be affected post-#infection.

The ORBITAL FRONTAL CORTEX generates much interest because of some of the roles it is speculated to play in higher-order cognition, such as #DecisionMaking . It connects other regions of the brain to the sensory regions, #memory, and #emotion centers. Notable in #covid infections, this part of the brain processes #taste and #smell perception.

Cognitive functions usually associated with the orbitofrontal cortex include:

- Affective responses (emotional reactions)
- Decision making
- Impulse control

Damage to the orbitofrontal cortex may cause changes in social #behavior (how you interact with others and situations), decision making, and #personality.

People with damage to the orbitofrontal cortex may show -

- Aggression
- Childish conduct
- Disinhibition
- Apathy
- Risky behavior

and LESS:
- #Motivation
- #Empathy / concern and for others
- Impulse control

Damage to the orbitalfrontal cortex may alter how the body reacts to emotions, leading to impulsivity and bad judgment. For instance, when making a bold decision, healthy patients exhibit physical symptoms of worry, such as sweaty palms. Patients with injury to the orbitofrontal cortex, however, did not.

Studies show that the orbitalfrontal cortex aids in forecasting decisions based on experience. If this part of the brain is damaged, people may make bad choices even though they are aware of the consequences.

ON THE BRIGHT SIDE, some people find that the changes in their brain make them feel happier, unnhibited, less prone to worry, and more animated.

Practical Psychology · Orbitofrontal CortexDespite being a poorly understood brain region, the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) generates much interest because of some of the roles it is speculated to