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How many will the Great Trump Famine claim?
1. No more farm labourers.
2. Potash from Canada tariffed.
3. Tariffed imported food from Mexico and Canada.
4. No more global consumers of Made in America.

Enjoy the famine your omnipotent Chairman Trump-Putin is creating for you.

#USpol #Ecology #Famine #Tariffs #Hubris #GreatFamine #FourPests

🇵🇸 Guerre de Palestine
🔸 Pourquoi nous avons demandé à la CPI d’enquêter sur Biden pour complicité de génocide
🔴 Les preuves que Joe Biden, Antony Blinken et Lloyd Austin ont aidé Israël à commettre des crimes de guerre sont accablantes.
Par Sarah Leah Whitson, The Nation
#Palestine #guerre #USA #UK #politique #justice #génocide #famine #crime #CPI #droit #média #enquête #Canada

Not to be alarmist...well, maybe, but a #famine will be incoming for the United States. Famines under capitalism tend to take the form of "there's food, we promise, it just happens to be too expensive for you to afford",'ve technically been under famine conditions for a little while, but it's about to get a whole lot worse. Your latest administration has completely slashed agricultural subsidies, drained a reservoir in California, and levied tariffs on the three countries it imports the most food from. This is a good time to remember that many revolutions are preceded by famines, and it's time for you to start preparing and start organizing with anyone you can, before you're starving — which, again, I'm sorry to say, it's going to happen.

Talk openly about it; this is the time you can do it safely, and that window is going to be short. Find anyone, literally anyone, who is willing to talk back about the possibility of organizing together. It can be as simple as a mutual aid group, to try to afford bulk food more cheaply together when this happens, but we here, the people of the imperialized world, your fellow workers, are hoping that you will do more, and fight to end both famine and fascism in your country once and for all, no matter what it takes.

#Holodomor is the name of the Ukrainian #famine that occurred pre- and post- WW2. #Stalin wanted to snuff out any efforts at Ukrainian independence and build a strong "Soviet Union" (really favoring Russia). So Stalin took most of Ukraine's wheat. As a result, about 12% of Ukrainians died of starvation.

Older Ukrainians have not forgotten Stalin's cruelty and have a deep hatred of Russia. They have no incentive to compromise.

FOTUS* is wrong that Ukraine has no cards; the weak can defeat the strong. Consider David v. Goliath. Consider North Vietnam v. the United States.

Ukrainians are determined to stay independent. So what is the motivation for the Russian soliders? To help make the oligarchs richer?

I submit that Ukraine has a chance of prevailing in this conflict.

*FOTUS = First Felon of the United States

Holodomor et Grande Famine irlandaise : quand l’autoritarisme affame les peuples

🌾 Holodomor et Grande Famine irlandaise : deux tragédies nées de l'oppression. En Ukraine, le diktat stalinien impose une collectivisation meurtrière. En Irlande, la domination britannique aggrave la crise. Millions de morts, exodes massifs... Quand l'autoritarisme et l'indifférence des puissants conduisent à des catastrophes humanitaires. #Histoire #Famine #Autoritarisme Holodomor et…

Homo Hortus · Holodomor et Grande Famine irlandaise : quand l’autoritarisme affame les peuples🌾 Holodomor et Grande Famine irlandaise : deux tragédies nées de l’oppression. En Ukraine, le diktat stalinien impose une collectivisation meurtrière. En Irlande, la domination britannique ag…

#Anecdotique : entre 1692 et 1694, sous le règne de Louis XIV, environ 2,8 millions de Françaises et Français sont mortes et morts de faim, ce qui représente, grosso modo, 15% de la population de l'époque. En cause : le mauvais temps qui a ruiné les récoltes du royaume. Il est évident que les riches avaient des réserves de côté, et n'acceptaient de les vendre qu'à des prix exorbitants.

Getting rid of all the agriculture workers is going to recreate many of the ‘Great Leap Forward’ conditions in China where Mao took everyone doing agriculture and growing food, and put them on steel and industrial works instead…and you can’t imagine how people starved for YEARS. So many died. It was a living nightmare. Some ate their own children to survive.
A good account is in the biography Wild Swans by Jung Chang. Highly recommended reading.
#agriculture #foodsecurity #food #famine

BBC: 'People will starve' because of US aid cut to Sudan

"The freezing of US humanitarian assistance has forced the closure of almost 80% of the emergency food kitchens set up to help people left destitute by Sudan's civil war, the BBC has learned....
It is estimated that nearly two million people struggling to survive have been affected." conflict: USAID cut hits people 'screaming from hunger'Nearly two million people who have relied on community kitchens for food have lost this lifeline.

Judge orders #Trump to pay millions in #USAID funds

The judge gives the govt 1 day to resume #ForeignAid payments after a contentious hearing in which a #DOJ lawyer couldn’t say whether funds had been unfrozen as ordered.

The Trump admin on Tues was ordered to pay hundreds of millions in foreign assistance funds that have been in limbo despite the judge’s directive that #aid resume. Trump’s broad pause in aid has led to #chaos globally & dire warnings about escalating #famine & disease.

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This is not just something that happens to the crops. It happens to us. As crops start failing, and they will, there will be spikes in prices and ultimately famines due to populations not served. When people aren't getting what they need, they don't sit passively by. There will be unrest. It will get ugly fast. We can plan for some shortfalls if they happen intermittently. But as they become more the norm, that's a big problem.

Our oligarchs imagine that they personally will always have the most money, so first access to things that run short. And they're comfortable with large numbers of others suffering and dying . So we shouldn't get too complacent and assume that things will somehow work out. That isn't the plan they have.

We need to restore democracy and federal institutions that operate in the best interest of the people. And we need to focus on stopping climate change, by seriously retooling the parts of our economy that are egging it on. The oligarchs see climate change as a business opportunity, a chance to sell to desperate people at jacked up prices. They're not interested in stopping it, just being in control of what people will cry out for and pay money for.