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Amazing day, hitting 54°F and it is still 51° at 5pm. First barefoot walk of the year to check mail. Looking forward to more with 60's tomorrow and 40’s/50’s rest of the week. Pick up gravel bike from shop Wednesday. 🚴🏼‍♂️

Warm enough yesterday that our (last) chicken decided it was time to explore more than a few feet from the coop. There were grasses to be had and presumably bugs or seeds along the edge of the house. She also undertook the long trek to the mulch pile through untamed snow banks!
#chickens #NHwx

Suite du fil

I understand that raising chickens is a little involved. We're allowed to have backyard chickens here in the City of Lakes but that might be a ramp too far.

City Hall: "You can keep chickens, turkeys, ducks, pigeons and quail with a fowl permit. Do not purchase any birds until your permit is approved."

You will have to:
• Show proof of consent from your neighbors.
• Attend an approved fowl education course.
• Provide a copy of zoning approval from the City's Community Planning & Economic Development department.
• Let an animal control officer inspect your home to make sure the animals are being kept in safe and livable conditions.
• Pay the application fee for one-year permit.
• Pay a renewal every year to keep the permit.

Minneapolis, City of Lakes
www.minneapolismn.govPet licenses and animal permitsIt's important to know what license or permit you need.

It's come to this. A sign o' the times.

Spotted in an email promotion from a well-known Midwest home improvement outfit: A chicken coop for your urban farm!

This reminds me of the old joke about the uncle who thought he was a chicken. We'd get him some help but we really need the eggs.

En réponse à AI6YR Ben

I don’t keep hard numbers because I’m just too sloppy and lazy but… I think it’s very situation specific. We have anywhere between four and six girls who free range on a quarter acre. So I don’t spend that much on feed because they’re busy eating other things. The coop was built mostly out of scrap wood lumber from other projects. Our girls lay when they feel like it and stop when they don’t (or run out of them). They live here till they die of natural causes. We’ve only lost one to a predator over the years. And we only eat their eggs. We never go buy grocery eggs. Plus, you have to factor in the entertainment value, the tilling, the fertilizer. The truth is that no matter how expensive store bought eggs become, they will still be cheaper than having chickens.

Question for chicken owners, out of curiosity: what do you think the ACTUAL price of a dozen eggs is from the backyard chickens?

Include: feed, enclosure/repairs, lost chickens from predators, vet visits, chicken retirement lodge, chicken sweaters and hats, etc etc? #chickens

#chickens #poultry #smallholdings #homestead Does anyone have ideas for growing your own chicken feed ,if war comes to Europe or /and US hits the EU and UK with severe tariffs ,poultry feed is going to b e harder to get,theres often shortages of things like chick crumb already .I know way back crofters used oatmeal and potatos and that in the US squash were used I planted extra tatties and bought more squash ,but does anyone know what else I could grow for free ranging birds ?

I've seen news reports saying that when H5N1 influenza reaches a chicken farm, the virus spreads quickly and has a death rate of 98-99%.

What I haven't seen discussed is whether chickens are inherently extremely vulnerable to H5N1, or whether the extremely high death rate is due to the ghastly conditions that chickens are kept in on factory farms. Does anyone know the death rate for pet chickens who are kept in good conditions and are treated by a veterinarian when sick?

It was the chickens that added the final, perfect touch to the tea party.

Busy with their foraging, they kept their distance, but the constant, busy yet gentle clucking in the background added the ultimate country music to the event.

Afternoon Tea Party greeting card --
