The 2025 #MoodleMoot Japan comes to a close in Kyoto, Japan! We #moodle to empower #educators to change the #world! Fun was had by all!
The 2025 #MoodleMoot Japan comes to a close in Kyoto, Japan! We #moodle to empower #educators to change the #world! Fun was had by all!
To all my friends who are #teachers and #educators: be aware that the U.S. Department of #Education now has an online form that any Joe Blow can submit, where people can report you for so-called "divisive ideologies," "indoctrination," and "illegal discriminatory practices." The URL makes it clear what they mean by those terms: . Whether you choose to alter your pedagogy or not based on the existence of this $h!t is up to you, but I wanted you to know about it.
Of the group of would-be teachers who watched the news from Columbine that day in April 1999, I am the only one still teaching.”
Dana Salvador for The Sun:
Daily Quote - February 19
"We can't shape what we don't understand, and what we don't understand ends up shaping us."
~Catarina Mota
'Understanding Violence'
Offered by Emory University
Featuring President Jimmy Carter
Helping the public understand violence in order they may help prevent it.
#prevention #publichealth #violence #school #learning #knowledge #educators #scientists @publichealth @sociology @edutooters @academicchatter
Phase 2 :
Many #educators are regretting their #vote for #Trump , citing #job #insecurities and #school #funding #issues...
What did you expect ?
There are ways to work around something like that and with communication you can work something out, and it’s not a huge issue.
#diversity #inclusivity #diverse #inclusive #ally
#PublicSchool #School #TotallySecular
#DearTeachers #DearParents #DearPrincipal
#EduTooters #Educators #Influencer
#FreedomOfReligion #FreedomFromReligion
Educators, if you are teaching about Digital Literacy or Online Safety, @cyberlyra has put together amazing free resources about how to reclaim your data.
#DigitalLiteracy #OnlineSafety #Educators #Edutooters #Homeschooling @education @edutooters
Dear #Educators everywhere:
This is a perfect showcase for 'How a chatbot distorts history and does not further any kind of deeper/critical understanding of anything'.
You can use my post, the screenshots, and everything else as you please, you don't have to ask my permission. (See my bio for the CC BY.)
Please talk with your students about this, why it's bad and how we can deal with that as a enlightened society.
Delighted to share an essential #textbook for #students & #educators of Media & #Communication Studies, 'Children, #Media, and #Technology: Access, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion'
Edited by Prof. Erica Scharrer with a fabulous set of authors covering several long-standing as well as contemporary issues & controversies pertaining to media, technology & young people
Available for pre-order:
Crisis in UK special needs education escalates as Labour announces a fraudulent inquiry - World Socialist Web Site
Calling all STEM teachers: @LIGO in Hanford, Washington, USA, is offering an International Physics & Astronomy Educator Program in the summer of 2025.
During the week of July 13-19, there will be many opportunities to learn from and discuss with experts in the fields of gravitational waves, (multimessenger) astronomy, and nuclear physics. In addition, suitable classroom activities will be presented and tested out.
Interested teachers can apply until the end of January 2025.
We're committed to creating an #inclusive and #welcoming #environment. Shabbat shalom,
Principal Dani Stein
#PublicSchool #School #TotallySecular
#EduTooters #EduSky #Educators
@emilymbender I feel lucky to have found these terrific #ai critiques obo of #educators here on #mastodon.
Curious to find & consider this category of objections in context of #lawyers & #legalaid facing marketing & lobbying to rapidly adopt commercial #llm products as #legaltech for use with clients --- esp. for #atj #lowincome & #bipoc #communities --- while minimizing #ethics & #equity questions.
#Education is an unkind space, but that can change. We can change.
#Educators #Kindness #Teachers #Teaching #Writing #Writer #HigherEd #HigherEducation
Whilst #educators are (rightly) freaking out about #OpenAI's #LLM in Ed statement, they are missing all the stuff that #Google (who's already a strong beachhead in #Schools already, thanks to Classroom) is working on to roll out #GenAI in schools. By the backdoor, without opt-in or consultation.
And #Microsoft is not far behind...
Parents, educators, teachers & school administrators.
Does your local public schools teach students about non-violent communication skills & how to de-escalate during conflicts?
Congratulations to the New Books Network for reaching a new milestone: 25,000 interviews! It’s been my pleasure to be interviewed twice, each time to talk about a different book of mine.
FYI, the #NewBooksNetwork is one of the world’s largest public education projects, a consortium of author-interview podcast channels dedicated to #PublicEducation. NBN works directly with over twenty university presses including Princeton University Press, Oxford University Press, the University of Chicago Press, and the MIT Press. #Books #Bookstodon #Educators #Education #Academics
Draw the Line Against #Transphobic Violence
Date: November 21, 2024 | 4:30pm ET to 6:00pm ET
Draw the Line Against Transphobic Violence will help participants recognize harmful dynamics, and build skills for fostering cultures of consent, gender inclusion, and healthier relationships. This session is designed for #students, #teachers / #educators, administrators, and staff in both secondary and post-secondary #schools.
785,000 #students have been deprived of education in #Gaza by the #IsraeliOccupation.
The Government Media Office in Gaza
These photographic images showcase #initiatives by #teachers in Gaza.
From @ PalestineInDocs on IG.
#Parents & #teachers & #students in #Canada - please be aware that the #AI industry definitely has #PublicEducation on its #capitalist exploitation radars. Watch out for more of our governments, on all levels, to try & replace human teachers / #educators with AI. It's already happening in Quebec. Barely anyone in BC seems aware of the risks of AI being used as digital replacement for human educators.