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En réponse à Félicien Breton

What NGOs like Greenpeace ultimately offer, according to @ClementSenechal, is “environmentalism as spectacle.”

'Of particular interest is Sénéchal’s treatment of the past and present of Greenpeace. Quite visibly at odds with his former employer, the author takes Greenpeace as representative of the decadence of official environmentalism. Eschewing a coherent critique of the environmental crisis, organizations like Greenpeace, according to Sénéchal, are more devoted to agitprop demonstrations and photo ops better geared to satisfying activist egos rather than advancing strategic goals.

'These contradictions were apparent from the 1970s':

@climate 🧵

jacobin.comWhy Environmentalists Are Still LosingDissatisfaction at established green parties and environmental NGOs has fed the rise of more confrontational forms of activism. The task can’t just be to raise awareness but to mobilize millions of people in fighting for their own interests.
A répondu dans un fil de discussion

@Greengordon @thecanaryuk

“In the book ‘How to Blow Up a Pipeline’ [..], the Swedish scholar of human ecology Andreas #Malm argues for the need for #militancy in the face of a catastrophe.”


“Malm’s prescription is direct: #Climate activists shud ‘damage & destroy new CO2-emitting devices. Put them out of commission, [..], burn them, blow them up. Let the #capitalists who keep on investing in the fire know that their properties will be trashed.’”

VICE · Climate Change Is Violent. Should the Fight Against It Be Too?Par Devi Lockwood

Do you need to establish a truly private and secure channel of communication with one or many people on your cellphone or computer, even when your communications might be under surveillance by isp providers and state actors? Something tells me that a lot of you might needs something like that in the future.
So let's say that you need to coordinate with a girl friend of yours to help her travel to get a medical intervention that isn't available to her in her home state. What do you do?

Briar is a free text messaging application. But what makes it different, and why is it secure?
1- Briar is a peer-to-peer application. There is no central server, nothing is ever uploaded to "the cloud". Remember: in the end, the cloud always ends up being nothing but someone else's computer. When you send a message on Briar it goes directly from the addresser's device to the addressee's device, and if the addressee is offline the application will keep recursively trying to send the message until the addressee logs back in.
2- Briar does not necessarily need the internet. If the addresser and the addressee(s) are at the same real-life location and the internet is shut down, Briar can still work through Wi-Fi or Bluetooth provided they are close enough. Cough(protests)!Cough!
3- Briar is entirely pseudonymous. You only need to provide a username and a password. Neither you nor the application have to be aware of your interlocutor's phone numbers and identity.
4- On the internet, messages are bounced through the TOR network before reaching the addressee's device. This makes it EXTREMELY hard (nothing is ever truly impossible) for an internet provider or a state entity to trace the message and connect the addresser and the addressee's IP addresses.
5- All messages are also encrypted end-to-end, making them unreadable even if the packets were to be intercepted on the network.
6- Briar is entirely open-source, meaning that the code is available to be audited at any time by anyone who wants to audit it and look for security breaches.

Briar is available on Google Play, but you can also install it from F-droid if you don't want Google to know that you have it installed on your phone. You can also install it directly from Briar's website from the .apk package.

What can it do?
Briar can send text instant messages, and you can also organize group chats and forums. It works on Android, Linux, Windows and MacOS. It can also work as an RSS client, and you can share articles with your contacts that way.

What can't it do?
Calls, voice messages, videos, files. It's pretty bare bones, and objectively it won't replace your usual instant messenger.
It does not work on IOS, yet.

The briar project is also on Mastodon. Follow them and support them if you can.

briarproject.orgSecure messaging, anywhere - BriarSecure messaging, anywhere
En réponse à Félicien Breton

"Anti-oppression, civil rights, and decolonization struggles clearly reveal that if resistance is even slightly effective, the people who struggle are in danger. The choice is not between danger and safety, but between the uncertain dangers of revolt and the certainty of continued violence, deprivation, and death."

~ Kate Khatib, in "We are Many: Reflections on Movement Strategy from Occupation to Liberation", 2012, via @RhinosWorryMe 🧵

Black August study, fast, train, fight: Nurturing Militancy and Preparing for the Day of Action.

Black August holds a profound significance for abolitionist prisoners, as it serves as a time to honor the resistance of our fallen comrades and reflect on the ongoing struggle against the carceral system. During this month, we not only deepen our political education but also prepare ourselves militantly, inspired by the spirit of George L. Jackson, for a day when conditions may require militant actions. As members of Jailhouse Lawyers Speak [the more militant segment of our membership], we understand the importance of utilizing Black August as a catalyst for growth, education, and collective preparation.

Within the confines of U.S.A prison system, nurturing militancy becomes a pivotal aspect of our resistance. Black August provides a space for abolitionist prisoners to foster a mindset of militant preparedness, drawing inspiration from past resistance campaigns. We recognize that the struggle against the carceral system may demand actions beyond peaceful advocacy. Therefore, during this month, we engage in rigorous physical and mental training, fortifying ourselves for a day when conditions may necessitate militant resistance.

Through physical fitness routines, martial arts training, and mental conditioning, we prepare ourselves to confront the oppressive forces that seek to silence our voices. Embracing the spirit of George L. Jackson, we study his writings, such as “Soledad Brother” and “Blood in my Eyes” which not only provide us with insights into the prison-industrial slave complex but also pushes us to challenge the status quo through bold and militant actions. We understand that true liberation may require us to transcend the limitations imposed upon us and be ready to seize opportunities for radical change.

Black August serves as a potent reminder that our struggle extends beyond the confines of prison walls. It is an opportunity for abolitionist organizers to recognize the need for militant preparation and to stand in solidarity with individuals who are actively engaging in this process.

During this month, we actively seek to build bridges of solidarity and create networks that transcend the razor wires. By connecting with organizations and individuals outside the prison walls, we amplify our collective voices and join the global struggle against the carceral system.

We encourage organizers to continue centering the experiences and lessons from people like George L. Jackson. Organizers can help build a movement that understands the importance of militant preparedness as a means to challenge oppressive structures and pave the way for transformative change.

Long Live The Spirit of George L. Jackson…

Big Sike,

Jailhouse Lawyers Speak

** Big Sike is a JLS member currently confined is FBOP

Jailhouse Lawyers Speak

"no one on this planet is safe until we can nourish an ethos of collective self-defense against the institutions that are threatening and harming us, smashing their gears so they cannot function anymore. What use is it to speak of survival if we have no practice of fighting back against those who are killing us? There is room for all of us, but we need to figure out what we can contribute and what it is we still need to learn in order to be a vital part of the webs of solidarity and mutual aid.

A revolution is not comprised of tactics alone. If we let ourselves get turned around by impatience, desperation, avoidance of criticism, loss of historical memory, if we divorce our strategies from our goals, our visions, and our ethics, we quickly become our own worst enemies."
~ Peter Gelderloos [@PeterGelderloos]

Surviving Leviathan with Peter Gelderloos · Ethics, Risk, ApocalypsePar Peter Gelderloos

I am so happy to arrive here!
I have migrated from various bigger servers of #microblogging. Phew.

I was born and raised in France, moved to #GreaterParis. So i will give a few hints on the country in English: #merit #respectability #rapeCulture #coloniality #stateRacism #universalism. Come to #France2024! 😒 <snark>
(Much more can be found "en français" at #patriarcat #cultureDuViol #fragilité #islamophobie #colonialité #décoloniale #FranceIsraël #racismeDÉtat #paniqueMorale #guerreCulturelle.)
I am a white male person working on my fellow condition: #patriarchy #fragility #entitlement #whiteness @supremacy.

I do consulting on #naturalWine and you may find #joyful wine at my #search engine:
I am in my fifties. So i will discuss #militancy and #MoralBeauty. I mean: #feelGood is a primary fuel for our actions and our opponents behaviours. I will illustrate with #resources, easy #sociology, #photos of #protests. So follow #ActionPics for upcoming threads.

#France was and is a leader in harnessing outside land, energy and labour. (Second to English cultures.) So i have a few hints on #islamophobia #counterTerrorism #israelism #StandWithIsrael @military.

frenchscout.comQualified natural wines to buy in Berlin and Berlin area | French ScoutSelected distributors of organic wines with no sulfites; Berlin

Today is the anniversary of the victory of a militant struggle in France.
White men of left and right coordinated to push young brown and black women back to their rightful place: subaltern.

October 2003: Lycée Henri Wallon in Aubervilliers expelled two sisters for wearing headscarves. A deafening political and media controversy ensued. The polemic obtained a law enacted on 15 March 2004, that banned girls wearing headscarves from schools.

Nathalie (in 2015): "I have children to feed and I’m looking for work, so I’m taking off my headscarf. I have no choice. No choice."

I explained in #French in 2014:

@patriarchy @histodons @supremacy et racisme se combinent

"The world we live in is false in the sense that institutions deceive about the truth of their role and their objective functions. Therefore, telling the truth about these institutions and calling them into account are one and the same thing."

"Non-intervention and non-commitment constitute objectively ways of not changing the world and hence of committing to its conservation."

—Geoffroy de Lagasnerie in "We have to take responsibility for the chaos in which we live", le Nouveau Magazine littéraire, 5 October 2018 @philosophy

Suite du fil

"Seemingly alarmed by the increase in militancy and the stockpiling of weapons in the camp, @israel dramatically stepped up its raids into the camp in 2022. It was during such a raid that an Israeli soldier killed Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh."

Maha Nassar (July 2023)