@ElizabethLee @stina_marie
Have y'all read this before?
One of my friends took hold of it and said it's gripping.
I'm not sure I can stomach it.
@ElizabethLee @stina_marie
Have y'all read this before?
One of my friends took hold of it and said it's gripping.
I'm not sure I can stomach it.
An updated #Introduction for 2025:
I’m a mom, #cat whisperer, #maker, avid #reader, #gamer, and #dice goblin. I’m a #chemistry #professor and #education #researcher. I love #traveling, #cooking, #photography, #tattoos and #3Dprinting. Ich spreche und lese etwas Deutsch. I use #Mac and #Linux machines and bought a mechanical keyboard for my birthday. I love #DnD and my #SteamDeck. #Masotodon is my primary social media and I love it here.
I contain multitudes. So do you.
Wenn die Lesemedien es nicht schaffen werden für gesperrte Artikel eine gemeinsame Währung zu schaffen, damit man einfach und schnell mit Micropayment das lesen kann, für was man sich interessiert, werden sie untergehen. Das ist jetzt schon sicher 20 Jahre lang ein Krampf und die Schmerzgrenze ist wohl noch immer nicht erreicht. Ich verstehe es nicht. #media #blattwerk #zeitungen #lesen #usability #finanzierung #reader
Book Promotion: Grab a coffee, grab a snack and grab one of these free to download stories for a well-earned slice of peace. #knights #reader #whodunnit #sleuth #amateur #elves #rogue #heroes #murder #fae #steampunk #detective #writing #dwarfs #dragons #sorcery #mystery #magic #dwarves #future #bookstodon #private #readers #legendary #suspense #contemporary #reading #classic #adventure #ladies #witches #knaves #monsters #guns #action #amreading #fedibookfair #goodbooks… https://books.bookfunnel.com/coffeebreakandfreebies/wufmwpjbyc?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
Now that you are grieving about #JeffBezos & the #WashingtonPost:
How about taking the opportunity to start a #reader-owned #newspaper #cooperative or an #audience-owned #media cooperative!?
Plenty of examples exist; several of them in #Germany alone.
I'd very much be interested to partake.
#WaPo #Bezos #AllThePresidentsMen #JonathanCapeheart #BobWoodward #CarlBernstein #Watergate #Nixon #Trump #MAGA #HowFascismWorks #Amazon #ElonMusk #MarkZuckerberg #Musk #Zuckerberg #Distributism #Coop
United at last: 50 years of Métal Hurlant special issue and special cap!
1975-2025 #MétalHurlant
Do you have a kindle?
#kindle #ebook #reader #amazon #alternatives
Intro post:
Curious about all the things! Alaskan living in the lower 48 for 25 years now.
#Reader: So many books, so little time!
Slow #knitter
#Yarn collector
Amateur naturalist: #Wildlife, #trees, #plants!
Lazy #gardener
#Gamer: #Valheim, MSF and others.
#SciFi!! Star Trek, Star Wars, Honor Harrington, Pern, Doctor Who, ok, all the things. Not horror.
Secular home schooling parent
#Science: Space! All the things.
Trying to leave the world a better place, one tiny piece at a time.
Version 3.10.0 of "ACBR - Comic Book Reader" is now available: https://github.com/binarynonsense/comic-book-reader/releases
This update adds a new tool: "RSS Reader". A basic RSS and Atom feed reader that includes some default feeds relating to comic books.
Hello friends! I think another #introduction is in order.
I'm 34 years old and my husband and I are #childfree We live in the #roanokeva area and it's been hard making like-minded friends! I practice non-deity specific #magick and #tarot and I have an #altar that I'll frequently share. I'm a #gardener and my college degree is in #EnvironmentalStudies I'm also very open about my journey with #majordepressivedisorder , my spirituality and how I view the world. I'm an avid book #reader and I'm currently in the middle of a few books right now! I'm hoping to meet new people and maybe make some meaningful friendships ️
I’m hoping I can get 30 more ädds for my sapphic cozy fantasy romance that’s debuting THIS WEEK! Can you help?!
https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/221861973 #bookstadon #reader #writingcommunity #cozyfantasy #fantasy
Something strange I discovered from Plutón Ediciones: those translators cannot be found on Internet. Looks like they don't exist. What's going on?
Now makes sense why they never replied my email about an error I detected from one book several months ago.
#PlutonEdiciones #Books #Reader #Spain #SpanishBooks
Something strange I discovered from Plutón Ediciones: those translators cannot be found on Internet. Looks like they don't exist. What's going on?
Now makes sense why they never replied my email about an error I detected from one book several months ago.
For the #Amazon strike, if you're a #Kindle #reader now would be a great opportunity to try another #ebook store. This isn't comprehensive and I'm not being paid for it. It's just some options to think about.
#Smashwords is great for folks who like to read #IndieAuthors. They also publish things that Amazon things are too naughty for you and they have one of the better author payouts as far as I can tell. #Kobo has a subscription service which is competitively priced with Amazon's #KindleUnlimited and, because they don't require exclusivity, you can get a wider variety of books in #KoboPlus.
Your local #library may also partner with a service like #Hoopla, #Libby, or #cloudLibrary to offer you access to free ebooks and #AudioBooks and the writers still get paid with those options.
Book Promotion: De-stress with a huge selection of Science Fiction and Fantasy stories that are free to download - discover your next favourite author. #dystopia #rogue #legendary #aliens #planets #dragons #fae #goodbooks #readers #wizards #sorcery #elves #reading #time #bookstodon #ladies #amreading #witches #futurism #space #heroes #knaves #fedibookfair #spaceship #writing #magic #reader #dwarves #monsters #military #knights #dwarfs (4582) https://books.bookfunnel.com/free-fantasy-sci-fi-nov-dec/kyqtgv7trk?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon
A #reader left a #comment, excerpted below:
That was pretty good, I liked what was different about her and different in [this type of story]. This was my first exposure to ... the series...
I lack as much as I'd like to say, it's been a tired week yet this sucked me in thoroughly into a 2 day reading. I really felt like I was in the head of a different character as I read ... her POV is really nailed.
Mood: Feeling really good right now.
@Blickwinkel Tipp: Man muss übrigens sein Kindle nicht verschrotten, wenn man weg von Amazon will. Mit einfachen Mitteln kann man ein #eBook auf dem #Reader lesen, auch wenn es online zB bei der #Buchhandlung des Vertrauens gekauft wurde. Man sendet die Buchdatei aus dem Download an die Kindle-App, und danach kann man es auf den Reader laden. Klappt super. Grüße an das #Findorffer Bücherfenster.