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"Even as queer and trans Iranian asylum seekers and Afghan refugees who left Iran for Turkey do not fall under the same category according to the UNHCR’s criteria, they have something in common: they are economic refugees. Yet the UNHCR does not recognize economic marginalization as grounds for granting asylum. If it did, a large number of people in the world (including in the United States) who are affected by global capitalism’s economic violence (such as lack of access to universal health care in the United States) would be eligible for asylum."

― Sima Shakhsari in her article "What counts at violence?" in

h/t @danahilliot

www.dukeupress.eduThe Cunning of Gender Violence

“When they challenge the innocent morality of the rights regime, anthropologists join a number of political and legal theorists who have asked whether humanitarianism is the new face of colonialism. Some have pointed out the paradoxes of rights-based arguments: that they allow people to make claims, but lock them into fixed identities defined by their injuries rather than freeing them from these identities into a world of equals; or they absolve the perpetrators of past violence by making them the defenders of rights.”
― Lila Abu-Lughod, Do Muslim Women Need Saving?

En réponse à Félicien Breton

“Politeness blunts the tongue of criticism, ridicule, satire or irony. On the other hand, radical rudeness breaks down the doors to the arsenal of verbal, literary, and linguistic devices available to launch a counterattack against corrupt militant brutes in government who use bullets, prison sentences, and mass graves to silence their opponents.“

~ Dr. Stella Nyanzi, 2022 in @supremacy 🧵

In 1910 in Copenhagen, the 2nd International Conference of Socialist Women adopted the idea of an "International Women's Day" from a proposal by Clara Zetkin (German Social Democratic Party), although no date was set.

The "Journal du CNRS" notes that "Women's Day was therefore the initiative of the socialist movement and not of the feminist movement, which was very active at the time". The historian Françoise Picq adds that "it was precisely to counteract the influence of feminist groups on the women of the people that Clara Zetkin proposed this day", rejecting "the alliance with the 'feminists of the bourgeoisie'": @histodons

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"Drag dramatizes and makes explicit mundane, everyday gender rituals and, through this repetition of gendered actions, suggests that essentialist presumptions about correct or authentic genders can be reworked (#JudithButler , 1990, p.338)."

‘To choose to appear as “female” when one is male is always constructed… as a loss, as a choice worthy only of ridicule’ (#bellHooks, 1992, p.145). of Glasgow - Research - Research units A-Z - eSharp - eSharp - 9 (Spring 2007): Gender: Power and Authority

"Since the defeat of ISIS, #Raqqa has been on a path of rebuilding and revitalisation as part of the defacto autonomous northeastern Syrian region known as #Rojava. The development of a democratic, egalitarian and multi-ethnic society, with an emphasis on women’s empowerment and ecological sustainability, is at the core of the self government."

You may join the event tomorrow at KinOLaden in #Oldenburg, #Niedersachsen, #Germany:

Medya News · Germany’s Oldenburg initiates twinning partnership with Syria’s Kurdish-led RaqqaAn innovative city twinning project has been launched between Oldenburg, Germany and Raqqa, Syria, famously liberated from the Islamic State
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“The repeated stylizations of the body—everyday acts and gestures—are themselves performatives, producing the gendered identity of which they are thought to be the expressions.”(Alberti, 2013, p. 95) @history @histodons

courses.lumenlearning.comIntersectionality | LGBTQ+ Studies: An Open Textbook
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"Many societies take pains to #gender individuals with objects, tasks, and food, yet we repeatedly see that gender is not as important in the very young and the very old, and that gender is often most strongly marked when people are of reproductive age (Gilchrist, 2007)" @patriarchy

courses.lumenlearning.comIntersectionality | LGBTQ+ Studies: An Open Textbook

'My normative lesson is, “Heed Marginalized People.” Fundamentally and foundationally. And, like, don’t include them necessarily in your training data, but include them in the questions that you ask at the outset, and who you think to ask about what you ought to do.
So to ask that question, “Who have we not thought about; whose harms, whose needs, whose voice has been, perhaps speaking, but unheeded, for a very long time? And how do we ensure that the things that they have called out as potential sites of failure, don’t go unremarked, don’t go unaddressed.'

Dr. Damien P. Williams, @Wolven #ableism #algorithms #bias #biotech #ethics #disability #facialRecognition #feminisms #Google #homophobia #machineLearning #misogyny #neurodiversity #phenomenology #racism #science #neutrality #sexism #cognition #surveillance #dataDon @ethics @dataGovernance @data #historyOfScience

afutureworththinkingabout.comAudio, Transcripts, and Slides from “Any Sufficiently Advanced Neglect is Indistinguishable from Malice” | A Future Worth Thinking About
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#activism #anger:
“We were brought up to be good girls, to be decent, to be polite, to speak nicely to authority. Women here are not to be heard, they shut up, they don’t speak, they’re to be seen as beautiful,” #Nyanzi told the Globe and Mail in 2017, explaining perfectly the origins of “civility” and why #profanity is a powerful tool to upend that #civility, which is foundational to #patriarchy: #feminicides #feminisms #respectability